WHEREAS, Since 1996, Alan Walne has served his fellow citizens as a member of the Dallas City Council, sharing his leadership skills, knowledge, and expertise with the members of this vital body; and WHEREAS, A Lake Highlands resident for more than 30 years, Councilman Walne is a graduate of Lake Highlands High School and holds a bachelor's degree in business administration from Texas Tech University; his employment includes positions as president and chairman of the board for Herb's Paint & Body Shop Corporation and president of Bottom Line Consultants, Incorporated; and WHEREAS, Councilman Walne currently serves on four council committees: business and commerce, finance and audit, legislative affairs, and transportation and telecommunications; his contributions to these committees have been truly beneficial, enabling the council to set policies that have a positive effect on the citizens of Dallas; and WHEREAS, This dedicated city leader has committed his time and energy to numerous worthy organizations, including the Texas Natural Resources Conservation Commission's State Small Business Compliance Advisory Panel, the Richardson Independent School District, and the Lake Highlands High School Local School Council; and WHEREAS, Councilman Walne has served on the Dallas Civil Service Board and the board of directors of the East Dallas Chamber of Commerce and the Dallas Parks and Recreation Department; he is a member of the Richardson and Plano chambers of commerce and is a former member of the Dallas Convention and Visitors Bureau and the Dallas Regional Mobility Coalition; and WHEREAS, Devoted to his wife, Joan Walne, and his children, Sarah Elizabeth Walne and Robert Alan Walne, this esteemed gentleman is a source of great pride to all who know him, and it is indeed a privilege to pay tribute to him and to recognize his many accomplishments at this time; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 78th Legislature, hereby honor Alan Walne of Dallas for his many noteworthy civic contributions and extend to him best wishes for continued success and happiness in all his endeavors; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this Resolution be prepared for Mr. Walne as an expression of high regard from the Texas Senate. Carona ________________________________ President of the Senate I hereby certify that the above Resolution was adopted by the Senate on March 12, 2003. ________________________________ Secretary of the Senate ________________________________ Member, Texas Senate