WHEREAS, Of the legions of Americans who have stepped forward to serve their country in times of conflict, thousands have endured the harrowing burdens of captivity as well as the searing trials of battle, and on April 9, 2003, citizens of this nation pause to honor the tremendous heroism and sacrifice of American prisoners of war; and WHEREAS, Every year since 1985, the president of the United States has proclaimed Former Prisoner of War Recognition Day, in grateful tribute to those who have paid such a heavy price for their love of country and sense of duty; and WHEREAS, The freedoms that our nation enjoys have been dearly bought; those who have been captured during wartime have known, in addition to the horrors of the battlefield, privation, and often torture, and their torment has sometimes extended for years; and WHEREAS, It was the suffering of United States Prisoners of War on Bataan during World War II that gave rise to what is now the American Ex-Prisoner of War Organization, a nationwide group that presently has 22 chapters in the Lone Star State; and WHEREAS, The roll of American Prisoners of War, from the United States' entry into World War II to the present day, numbers more than 150,000; during World War II alone, some 130,000 military personnel and nearly 19,000 civilians were captured and interned by the Nazis and by the Japanese; the number of those captured and interned in the Korean War totaled more than 7,000, in the Vietnam War, over 800, and in the 1991 Gulf War, 21, while some 1,900 Americans listed as missing during the Vietnam War remain unaccounted for; and WHEREAS, Today, as United States military forces engage in combat in Iraq, the ordeal of American prisoners of war again weighs on the hearts of all Americans, and we keep these men and women in our thoughts and in our prayers; and WHEREAS, Citizens of this nation owe an immeasurable debt to those who have continued to serve their country and the cause of freedom while being held in captivity; their extraordinary courage and patriotism are deserving of their fellow Americans' deepest gratitude, and it is indeed appropriate that a day be set aside in honor of their sacrifice, tenacity, and indomitable spirit; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 78th Legislature, hereby recognize April 9, 2003, as Former Prisoner of War Recognition Day and encourage its observance by all Texans. Van de Putte Fraser Madla Estes Lucio Shapleigh Armbrister Ellis Ratliff Averitt Gallegos Shapiro Barrientos Harris Staples Bivins Hinojosa Wentworth Brimer Jackson West Carona Janek Whitmire Deuell Lindsay Williams Duncan Nelson Zaffirini Ogden
Dewhurst, President of the Senate
______________________________ ______________________________ Member, Texas Senate Member, Texas Senate ____________________________________________________________ Member, Texas Senate Member, Texas Senate ____________________________________________________________ Member, Texas Senate Member, Texas Senate ______________________________ President of the Senate I hereby certify that the above Resolution was adopted by the Senate on April 9, 2003. ______________________________ Secretary of the Senate