In Memory
Ida McCormick Kennedy
WHEREAS, The Senate of the State of Texas joins the citizens of San Antonio in mourning the loss of Ida McCormick Kennedy, who died March 14, 2003, at the age of 52; and WHEREAS, Born in Amarillo on July 25, 1950, Ida always dreamed of becoming a teacher; after finishing college in three years, she began a career as a schoolteacher, ultimately spending nearly 35 years in the classroom; and WHEREAS, Ida's students recall her as a caring and innovative teacher who could make any subject interesting, and she was revered by many for her exemplary teaching methods and the encouragement she gave to students from kindergarten to seventh grade levels in areas ranging from special education to gifted and talented; and WHEREAS, During the last 15 years of her career, Ida taught at Alamo Heights Junior High School, where she chaired the mathematics department and served as the sponsor of the National Junior Honor Society; and WHEREAS, An avid reader and learner herself, she always found the time to share her ideas with her fellow teachers, and she was a friend and an inspiration to all who knew her; and WHEREAS, For her exemplary work in the classroom, Ida was awarded the Trinity Prize for Excellence in Teaching by Trinity University; and WHEREAS, A woman of integrity, strength, and generosity, she gave unselfishly of her time to others, and her wisdom, warmth, and valued counsel will not be forgotten by those who knew her; and WHEREAS, A devout Christian, Ida was a member of the Alamo Heights Presbyterian Church, where she served as a ruling elder of the session, chairwoman of the day school, Sunday School teacher, and director of Vacation Bible School; she was also a member of Presbyterian Women; and WHEREAS, Ida Kennedy lived her life to the fullest and was a devoted wife, mother, and grandmother, and she leaves behind memories that will be treasured forever by her family and many friends; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 78th Legislature, hereby extend sincere condolences to the bereaved family of Ida McCormick Kennedy: her husband, Joe Kennedy; her children, Jeffery Tandy, Emily Kennedy, and Michael and Skye Tandy; her grandson, Noah Tandy; her sister, Marcia McCormick; her brother and sister-in-law, Scot and Bonnie McCormick; her mother, Mary Lou Wolfson; and her grandmother, Mary McCune; and, be it further RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared for the members of her family as an expression of deepest sympathy from the Texas Senate, and that when the Senate adjourns this day, it do so in memory of Ida McCormick Kennedy. Wentworth ________________________________ President of the Senate I hereby certify that the above Resolution was adopted by the Senate on April 22, 2003, by a rising vote. ________________________________ Secretary of the Senate ________________________________ Member, Texas Senate