WHEREAS, The Senate of the State of Texas is pleased to recognize the participants in the 2003 Texas Legislative Internship Program sponsored by the Mickey Leland Center on World Hunger and Peace at Texas Southern University; and WHEREAS, This excellent program gives students firsthand experience in the political process and state government as they learn about critical issues facing the state and communities; with Senator Rodney Ellis serving as an advisor, and his office assisting with activities, students combine academic study and research with practical training, and many interns will continue to work in public service; and WHEREAS, The program participants and the offices they worked in are Richard Aaron Barrera, Senator Rodney Ellis; Eric Blue, Representative Todd Smith; Kunal Dora, Representative Scott Hochberg; Farsam Farschtschian, Senator Ellis; Maria Vittoria G. Carminati Garbino, Representative Allan Ritter; Veronica Garza, Senator Leticia Van de Putte; Marc Antonio Gonzalez, Senator Robert Duncan; Blair Kasi Haley, Representative Senfronia Thompson; and WHEREAS, Interns also include Chesley Hamm, Representative Jim McReynolds; Shannon Harris, Representative Garnet Coleman; Erica Hunter, Texas Monthly magazine; Keitha Johnson, Representative David Farabee; Dian King, Representative Lon Burnam; Shareen Larmond, Senator John Whitmire; Michele Leal, Representative Jessica Farrar; Robert Loving, Representative Eddie Rodriguez; LaTosha McGill, Representative Jim Dunnam; and WHEREAS, Also, Andrea Medley, Representative Yvonne Davis; Paul Molina, Representative Glenn Lewis; Gustavo Luis Santos e Nascimento, Senator Ellis; Christopher B. Payne, Representative Jaime Capelo; Danielle Perry, Representative Joe E. Moreno; Van Pham, Government Organization Committee; Shunn D. Rector, Representative Ruth Jones McClendon; Ender Reed, Representative Dawnna Dukes; Lloyd Joshua Sams, Representative Vicki Truitt; Samrawit Sium, Representative Joe Deshotel; and Nathaniel Walker, Representative Vilma Luna; and WHEREAS, These exemplary and talented young people have made significant contributions to the offices in which they have worked and to the State of Texas; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 78th Legislature, hereby commend the participants in the 2003 Texas Legislative Internship Program and extend to each of them best wishes for the future; and, be it further RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared for them as an expression of high regard from the Texas Senate. Ellis ________________________________ President of the Senate I hereby certify that the above Resolution was adopted by the Senate on May 26, 2003. ________________________________ Secretary of the Senate ________________________________ Member, Texas Senate