78R19581 DRH-D
Suspending limitations on conference committee
jurisdiction, S.B. No. 1936
By: Ellis S.R. No. 1026
BE IT RESOLVED by the Senate of the State of Texas, 78th Legislature, Regular Session, 2003, That Senate Rule 12.03 be suspended in part as provided by Senate Rule 12.08 to enable the conference committee appointed to resolve the differences on Senate Bill No. 1936, relating to the creation of the Buffalo Bayou Management District; providing the authority to impose taxes and issue bonds, to consider and take action on the following matters: (1) Senate Rule 12.03(1) is suspended to permit the committee to change text in SECTION 4 of the bill so that SECTION 4 reads as follows: SECTION 4. BOUNDARIES. The district includes all the territory contained in the following described area: POINT OF BEGINNING at the intersection of the west boundary line of the Houston Downtown Management District and the north boundary of Memorial Drive right-of-way, then west along the north boundary of Memorial Drive right-of-way to the north boundary of Memorial Drive' s Heights North exit ramp, then northwest along the north boundary of Memorial Drive' s Heights North exit ramp to the east boundary of Heights boulevard right-of-way, then west across Heights Boulevard from the east boundary of Heights Boulevard right-of-way to the west boundary of the Heights Boulevard right-of-way, then south along the west boundary of Heights boulevard right-of-way to the north boundary of Memorial Drive' s Memorial West entrance ramp, then southwest along the north boundary of Memorial Drive' s Memorial West entrance ramp to the northern boundary line of Memorial Drive right-of-way, then west along the northern boundary line of Memorial Drive right-of-way to the west boundary line of Shepherd Drive right-of-way, then south along the west boundary line of Shepherd Drive right-of-way to the centerline of West Dallas, then east along the centerline of West Dallas to the intersection of the west boundary of Montrose Boulevard right-of-way and the centerline of West Dallas, then south along the west boundary line of Montrose Boulevard right-of-way to the south boundary line of U.S. Highway 59 and the west boundary line of Montrose Boulevard right-of-way, then in an easterly direction from said intersection along the south boundary line of U.S. Highway 59 to the intersection of the west boundary line of the Main Street right-of-way then proceeding from said intersection in a northwesterly direction along the boundary line of the west Main Street right-of-way paralleling the boundary line of the Greater Southeast Management District to the intersection of the boundary line of the south Portland Street right-of-way and the boundary line of the west Main Street right-of-way, being the southern boundary line of the Midtown Management District, then proceeding from said intersection in generally a northeasterly direction the boundary line parallels the Midtown Management District boundary line to the intersection of the west boundary line of the US Hwy 45 right-of-way and the north boundary line of the Cleveland Street right-of-way, being the western boundary line of the Houston Downtown Management District, then north from said intersection along the western boundary line of the Houston Downtown Management District to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Explanation: The new description of the area of the district is necessary to reflect a change in the area to be included in the district. (2) Senate Rule 12.03(1) is suspended to permit the committee to change text in SECTION 9 of the bill so that SECTION 9 reads as follows: SECTION 9. BOARD OF DIRECTORS IN GENERAL. (a) The district is governed by a board of 31 voting directors appointed under Section 10 of this Act and nonvoting directors as provided by Section 11 of this Act. (b) Voting directors serve staggered terms of four years, with 15 directors' terms expiring June 1 of an odd-numbered year and 16 directors' terms expiring June 1 of the following odd-numbered year. (c) The board may decrease the number of directors on the board by resolution if the board finds that it is in the best interest of the district. The board may not consist of fewer than five directors. Explanation: The changed text is necessary to accommodate a larger board of directors for the district and to stagger terms accordingly. (3) Senate Rule 12.03(1) is suspended to permit the committee to change text in SECTION 11(b) of the bill so that Subsection (b) reads as follows: (b) If a department described by Subsection (a) of this section is consolidated, renamed, or changed, the board may appoint a director of the consolidated, renamed, or changed department as a nonvoting director. If a department described by Subsection (a) of this section is abolished, the board may appoint a representative of another department that performs duties comparable to those performed by the abolished department. Explanation: The change is necessary to clarify to which section the reference to "Subsection (a)" applies. (4) Senate Rule 12.03(1) is suspended to permit the committee to change text in SECTION 19(a) of the bill so that Subsection (a) reads as follows: (a) If authorized at an election held in accordance with Section 18 of this Act, the district may impose an annual ad valorem tax on taxable property in the district for the: (1) maintenance and operation of the district and the improvements constructed or acquired by the district; or (2) provision of a service. Explanation: The change is necessary to clarify that the Section 18 referred to is from this Act. (5) Senate Rule 12.03(1) is suspended to permit the committee to change text in SECTIONS 31(a), (b), and (c) of the bill so that Subsections (a), (b), and (c) read as follows: (a) The initial board consists of the following persons: Pos. No. Name of Director 1 Kay Crooker 2 Mike Garver 3 Sharon Berryman 4 Tom Fricke 5 Graham Painter 6 James Robert McDermaid 7 Maria Munoz-Blanco 8 Kelly Parker 9 Max Schuette 10 Robert Smith III 11 Don Cutrer 12 William Taylor 13 Craig Jackson 14 Ernie Etuk 15 Marcia Johnson 16 Horace Allison 17 Eulundia Kay Shepard 18 Rev. Owen B. Brown 19 Rev. Elmo Johnson 20 John Garza 21 Karen Dominoe 22 Kevin Hoffman 23 Jeff Andrews 24 William Paul Thomas 25 Claude Wynn 26 Cherry Walker 27 John Hansen 28 Kathy Hubbard 29 Raju Adwaney 30 Mike Mark 31 Sia Ravari (b) Of the initial directors, the terms of directors appointed for positions 1 through 15 expire June 1, 2005, and the terms of directors appointed for positions 16 through 31 expire June 1, 2007. (c) Section 10 of this Act does not apply to this section. Explanation: The changed text is necessary to add the complete number of initial directors authorized to serve on the board and to adjust their terms accordingly.