78R19140 JSA-D
Suspending limitations on conference committee
jurisdiction, H.B. No. 3015
By: Shapiro S.R. No. 1034
BE IT RESOLVED by the Senate of the State of Texas, 78th
Legislature, Regular Session, 2003, That Senate Rule 12.03 be
suspended in part as provided by Senate Rule 12.08 to enable the
conference committee appointed to resolve the differences on House
Bill 3015, relating to the tuition and fees charged to students of
institutions of higher education, to financial assistance funded by
tuition, and to reports of availability and access by institutions
of higher education, to consider and take action on the following
Senate Rules 12.03(1) and (4) are suspended to permit the
conference committee to include the following text to the bill:
SECTION 2. Sections 54.0513(a) and (b), Education Code, are
amended to read as follows:
(a) [The building use fee previously authorized in Section
55.16 of this code is redesignated as tuition.
[(b)] In addition to amounts that a governing board of an
institution of higher education is authorized to charge as tuition
under the other provisions of this chapter, the governing board,
under the terms the governing board considers appropriate, may [is
authorized to] charge any student an amount designated as tuition
that the governing board considers necessary for the effective
operation of the institution [in an academic year an amount not to
exceed the amount charged under Sections 54.051 or 54.0512, as
applicable, in that academic year].
Explanation: The change is necessary to permit public
institutions of higher education to charge tuition at appropriate