78R19694 PAM-D
Suspending limitations on conference committee
jurisdiction, H.B. 2044
By: Staples S.R. No. 1035
BE IT RESOLVED by the Senate of the State of Texas, 78th Legislature, Regular Session, 2003, That Senate Rule 12.03 be suspended in part as provided by Senate Rule 12.08 to enable the conference committee appointed to resolve the differences on House Bill No. 2044, relating to the powers and duties of the General Land Office and the accounting and disposition of state-owned real property, to consider and take action on the following matter: Senate Rule 12.03(1) is suspended to permit the committee to amend text that is not in disagreement in SECTION 16 of the bill, in Section 31.1572, Natural Resources Code, as added by the bill, to read as follows: Sec. 31.1572. REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS BY PARKS AND WILDLIFE DEPARTMENT PROHIBITED IN CERTAIN AREAS. (a) The Parks and Wildlife Department may not offer for sale real property it owns or controls if the real property is located in a county: (1) with a population of one million or more; and (2) in which at least two municipalities with a population of 300,000 or more are located. (b) This section expires September 1, 2004. Explanation: The changed text is necessary to narrow the scope of the authority granted to the Parks and Wildlife Department to dispose of state-owned real property.