TO: | Honorable Kent Grusendorf, Chair, House Committee on Public Education |
FROM: | John Keel, Director, Legislative Budget Board |
IN RE: | HB3327 by Grusendorf (Relating to composite scoring of exit-level assessments for high school graduation.), As Introduced |
The bill would provide for composite scoring of the exit-level TAKS examination, if fewer than 67% of all
If fewer than 67% of students pass the test and composite scoring is required, the bill could result in a minimal reduction of potential costs associated with retesting. However, it is possible that composite scoring would also result in minimally higher costs associated with increased complexity in programming and reporting. The costs of testing are funded through a set-aside from the Foundation School Program Compensatory Education Allotment. Given the potential for offsetting costs and savings, no significant fiscal implications for the Foundation School Program are anticipated.
Source Agencies: | 701 Central Education Agency
LBB Staff: | JK, CT, UP, JGM