TO: | Honorable Talmadge Heflin, Chair, House Committee on Appropriations |
FROM: | John Keel, Director, Legislative Budget Board |
IN RE: | HB3442 by Pickett (Relating to statutory authority to reduce appropriations made by the legislature to certain governmental entities.), As Introduced |
Fiscal Year | Probable Net Positive/(Negative) Impact to General Revenue Related Funds |
2004 | ($52,330,442) |
2005 | ($56,202,142) |
2006 | ($60,330,792) |
2007 | ($64,384,142) |
2008 | ($68,672,142) |
Fiscal Year | Probable Savings/(Cost) fromGENERAL REVENUE FUND 1 |
Probable Revenue Gain/(Loss) fromGENERAL REVENUE FUND 1 |
Probable Revenue Gain/(Loss) fromCOASTAL PROTECTION ACCT 27 |
Probable Savings/(Cost) fromCOASTAL PROTECTION ACCT 27 |
2004 | $7,969,203 | ($60,299,645) | $6,362,000 | ($7,942,790) |
2005 | $7,969,203 | ($64,171,345) | $6,082,000 | ($7,942,790) |
2006 | $7,969,203 | ($68,299,995) | $23,560,000 | ($7,942,790) |
2007 | $7,969,203 | ($72,353,345) | ($5,501,000) | ($7,942,790) |
2008 | $7,969,203 | ($76,641,345) | $17,653,000 | ($7,942,790) |
Fiscal Year | Probable Revenue Gain/(Loss) fromSTATE PARKS ACCT 64 |
Probable Revenue Gain/(Loss) fromLOCAL PARKS ACCOUNT 467 |
Probable Revenue Gain/(Loss) fromPARKS/WILDLIFE CAP ACCT 5004 |
2004 | ($15,500,000) | ($15,500,000) | $94,150,000 |
2005 | ($15,500,000) | ($15,500,000) | $98,020,000 |
2006 | ($15,000,000) | ($15,500,000) | $102,079,000 |
2007 | ($15,500,000) | ($15,500,000) | $106,202,000 |
2008 | ($15,500,000) | ($15,500,000) | $110,490,000 |
The bill would require several Article VI agencies to reduce or eliminate expenditures as follows:
The bill would require that: (1) the Animal Health Commission reduce expenditures related to riding stables; (2) the General Land Office and Trusteed Programs within the General Land Office reduce expenditures paid for coastal erosion control and its trusteed program; (3) the Natural Resources Code be amended to increase the ceiling of the Coastal Protection Account from $25 million to $40 million; (4) the Parks and Wildlife Department reduce expenditures for local park grants; (5) the Parks and Wildlife Code be amended relating to money received from cigarette taxes and deposits to the State Parks Account, and the Texas Recreation and Parks Account; and (6) the Railroad Commission reduce expenditures relating oil spill response, consolidate oil spill response activities with the General Land Office, and implement fees for rail and pipeline safety programs.
Animal Health Commission -- Revenue loss of $21,200 and a reduction in expenditures of $26,413 out of General Revenue Funds each fiscal year.
General Land Office -- Revenue increases each fiscal year out of the Coastal Protection Account No 027, with the exception of fiscal year 2007 when revenue collections would reach $40 million and cease. Increased costs out of the Coastal Protection Account of $7,942,790 each fiscal year, which would offset existing costs out of the General Revenue Fund.
Parks and Wildlife -- Removal of the $32 million annual cap on sales tax on sporting goods transferred to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department and removal of the allocation of sporting good sales tax to the GR-dedicated State Parks and the Texas Recreation and Parks accounts would result in these revenues being deposited to the credit of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Conservation and Capital Account No. 5004.
Railroad Commission -- Revenue increases in the General Revenue Fund of approximately $2.8 million each fiscal year to offset existing costs related to the rail and pipeline safety programs. There would be no significant fiscal implications to consolidating the oil spill response functions.
The Comptroller of Public Accounts projects costs of $137,010 to notify taxpayers of these changes. However, for the purposes of this fiscal note, it is anticipated the these costs could be absorbed within current resources.
Source Agencies: | 304 Comptroller of Public Accounts, 305 General Land Office and Veterans' Land Board, 455 Railroad Commission, 554 Animal Health Commission, 802 Parks and Wildlife Department
LBB Staff: | JK, JO, SD, MS