The House Committee on Natural Resources 78th Legislature May 7, 2003 8:00 a.m. Capitol Extension, E2.014 Pursuant to a notice posted on May 2, 2003, a suspension of the 5-day posting rule on May 6, 2003, so the committee could take up and consider SB 1227, and a suspension of the 5-day posting rule on April 30, 2003, so the committee could take up and consider HB 3606, the House Committee on Natural Resources met in a public hearing and was called to order by the chair, Representative Puente, at 8:05 a.m. The roll was answered as follows: Present: Representatives Puente; Callegari; Campbell; Cook, Robby; Geren; Hamilton; Hardcastle (7). Absent: Representatives Hope; Wolens (2). A quorum was present. SB 721 The chair laid out SB 721. The chair recognized Representative Solis to explain the measure. Testimony was taken. (See attached witness list.) Representative Cook, Robby offered a complete committee substitute. The committee substitute was adopted without objection. Representative Cook, Robby moved that SB 721, as substituted, be reported favorably to the full house with the recommendation that it do pass and be printed and be sent to the Committee on Local and Consent Calendars. The motion prevailed by the following record vote: Ayes: Representatives Puente; Campbell; Cook, Robby; Geren; Hamilton; Hardcastle (6). Nays: None (0). Present, Not Voting: None (0). Absent: Representatives Callegari; Hope; Wolens (3). HB 3614, HB 3615, HB 3616, HB 3617, HB 3618, HB 3619, HB 3620, HB 3621, HB 3622 (Representative Hope now present.) The chair laid out HB 3614, HB 3615, HB 3616, HB 3617, HB 3618, HB 3619, HB 3620, HB 3621, HB 3622. The chair recognized Representative Brown, Betty to explain the measures. Testimony was taken. (See attached witness list.) The chair recognized Representative Brown, Betty to close on the measures. The bills were left pending without objection. SB 899 The chair laid out SB 899. The chair recognized Representative Cook, Robby to explain the measure. Representative Hardcastle moved that SB 899, without amendments, be reported favorably to the full house with the recommendation that it do pass and be printed and be sent to the Committee on Local and Consent Calendars. The motion prevailed by the following record vote: Ayes: Representatives Puente; Hope; Campbell; Cook, Robby; Geren; Hamilton; Hardcastle (7). Nays: None (0). Present, Not Voting: None (0). Absent: Representatives Callegari; Wolens (2). SB 1378 The chair laid out SB 1378. The chair recognized Representative Geren to explain the measure. Representative Hamilton moved that SB 1378, without amendments, be reported favorably to the full house with the recommendation that it do pass and be printed and be sent to the Committee on Local and Consent Calendars. The motion prevailed by the following record vote: Ayes: Representatives Puente; Hope; Campbell; Cook, Robby; Geren; Hamilton; Hardcastle (7). Page of House Committee on Natural Resources 5/7/2003 Nays: None (0). Present, Not Voting: None (0). Absent: Representatives Callegari; Wolens (2). SB 953 The chair laid out and explained SB 953. Representative Hope moved that SB 953, without amendments, be reported favorably to the full house with the recommendation that it do pass and be printed and be sent to the Committee on Local and Consent Calendars. The motion prevailed by the following record vote: Ayes: Representatives Puente; Hope; Campbell; Cook, Robby; Geren; Hamilton; Hardcastle (7). Nays: None (0). Present, Not Voting: None (0). Absent: Representatives Callegari; Wolens (2). SB 822 The chair laid out SB 822. The chair recognized Representative Hardcastle to explain the measure. Testimony was taken. (See attached witness list.) The chair recognized Representative Hardcastle to close on the measure. Representative Campbell moved that SB 822, without amendments, be reported favorably to the full house with the recommendation that it do pass and be printed and be sent to the Committee on Local and Consent Calendars. The motion prevailed by the following record vote: Ayes: Representatives Puente; Hope; Campbell; Cook, Robby; Geren; Hamilton; Hardcastle (7). Nays: None (0). Present, Not Voting: None (0). Absent: Representatives Callegari; Wolens (2). Page of House Committee on Natural Resources 5/7/2003 SB 967 The chair laid out and explained SB 967. Representative Cook, Robby moved that SB 967, without amendments, be reported favorably to the full house with the recommendation that it do pass and be printed and be sent to the Committee on Local and Consent Calendars. The motion prevailed by the following record vote: Ayes: Representatives Puente; Hope; Campbell; Cook, Robby; Geren; Hamilton; Hardcastle (7). Nays: None (0). Present, Not Voting: None (0). Absent: Representatives Callegari; Wolens (2). SB 1276 The chair laid out SB 1276. The chair recognized Representative Cook, Robby to explain the measure. Testimony was taken. (See attached witness list.) The chair recognized Representative Cook, Robby to close on the measure. The bill was left pending without objection. HB 3606 The chair laid out HB 3606. (Representative Callegari in chair.) The chair recognized Representative Smith, Wayne to explain the measure. Representative Hope moved that HB 3606, without amendments, be reported favorably to the full house with the recommendation that it do pass and be printed and be sent to the Committee on Local and Consent Calendars. The motion prevailed by the following record vote: Ayes: Representatives Callegari; Campbell; Geren; Hamilton; Hardcastle (5). Page of House Committee on Natural Resources 5/7/2003 Nays: None (0). Present, Not Voting: None (0). Absent: Representatives Puente; Hope; Cook, Robby; Wolens (4). SB 1227 (Representative Puente present and in chair.) (Representatives Cook, Robby and Hope now present.) The chair laid out SB 1227. The chair recognized Representative Cook, Robby to explain the measure. Testimony was taken. (See attached witness list.) The chair recognized Representative Cook, Robby to close on the measure. The bill was left pending without objection. HB 3606 Representative Cook, Robby moved to reconsider the vote by which the measure was reported from committee. The motion to reconsider prevailed without objection. Representative Cook, Robby moved that HB 3606, without amendments, be reported favorably to the full house with the recommendation that it do pass and be printed and be sent to the Committee on Local and Consent Calendars. The motion prevailed by the following record vote: Ayes: Representatives Puente; Callegari; Hope; Campbell; Cook, Robby; Geren; Hamilton; Hardcastle (8). Nays: None (0). Present, Not Voting: None (0). Absent: Representative Wolens (1). MINUTES CORRECTION The chair directed that the April 23, 2003, minutes for the House Committee on Natural Resources be corrected. The corrected minutes were authorized without objection. Page of House Committee on Natural Resources 5/7/2003 HB 3569 The chair moved to reconsider the vote by which the measure was reported from committee. The motion to reconsider prevailed without objection. The chair moved to reconsider the vote by which the committee substitute to HB 3569 was reported. The motion to reconsider prevailed without objection. The committee substitute was withdrawn without objection. Representative Hardcastle offered a complete committee substitute. The committee substitute was adopted without objection. Representative Cook, Robby moved that HB 3569, as substituted, be reported favorably to the full house with the recommendation that it do pass and be printed and be sent to the Committee on Local and Consent Calendars. The motion prevailed by the following record vote: Ayes: Representatives Puente; Callegari; Hope; Campbell; Cook, Robby; Geren; Hamilton; Hardcastle (8). Nays: None (0). Present, Not Voting: None (0). Absent: Representative Wolens (1). HB 3601 The chair moved to reconsider the vote by which the measure was reported from committee. The motion to reconsider prevailed without objection. The chair moved to reconsider the vote by which the committee substitute to HB 3601 was adopted. The motion to reconsider prevailed without objection. The committee substitute was withdrawn without objection. Representative Hardcastle offered a complete committee substitute. The committee substitute was adopted without objection. Representative Cook, Robby moved that HB 3601, as substituted, be reported favorably to the full house with the recommendation that it do pass and be printed and be sent to the Committee on Page of House Committee on Natural Resources 5/7/2003 Local and Consent Calendars. The motion prevailed by the following record vote: Ayes: Representatives Puente; Callegari; Hope; Campbell; Cook, Robby; Geren; Hamilton; Hardcastle (8). Nays: None (0). Present, Not Voting: None (0). Absent: Representative Wolens (1). SB 1639 The chair moved to reconsider the vote by which the measure was reported from committee. The motion to reconsider prevailed without objection. Representative Cook, Robby moved that SB 1639, without amendments, be reported favorably to the full house with the recommendation that it do pass and be printed and be sent to the Committee on Local and Consent Calendars. The motion prevailed by the following record vote: Ayes: Representatives Puente; Callegari; Hope; Campbell; Cook, Robby; Geren; Hamilton; Hardcastle (8). Nays: None (0). Present, Not Voting: None (0). Absent: Representative Wolens (1). SB 526 The chair moved to reconsider the vote by which the measure was reported from committee. The motion to reconsider prevailed without objection. Representative Cook, Robby moved that SB 526, without amendments, be reported favorably to the full house with the recommendation that it do pass and be printed and be sent to the Committee on Local and Consent Calendars. The motion prevailed by the following record vote: Ayes: Representatives Puente; Callegari; Hope; Campbell; Cook, Robby; Geren; Hamilton; Hardcastle (8). Nays: None (0). Present, Not Voting: None (0). Page of House Committee on Natural Resources 5/7/2003 Absent: Representative Wolens (1). HB 3627 The chair moved to reconsider the vote by which the measure was reported from committee. The motion to reconsider prevailed without objection. Representative Cook, Robby moved that HB 3627, without amendments, be reported favorably to the full house with the recommendation that it do pass and be printed and be sent to the Committee on Local and Consent Calendars. The motion prevailed by the following record vote: Ayes: Representatives Puente; Callegari; Hope; Campbell; Cook, Robby; Geren; Hamilton; Hardcastle (8). Nays: None (0). Present, Not Voting: None (0). Absent: Representative Wolens (1). At 9:04 a.m., on the motion of the chair and without objection, the meeting was adjourned subject to the call of the chair. ________________________ Rep. Puente, Chair ________________________ Jennifer Modgling, Clerk Page of