The House Committee on Public Health 
         78th Legislature                                                  
         April 2, 2003 
         8:00 a.m. 
         Capitol Extension, E2.036 
         Pursuant to a notice posted on March 28, 2003, the House  
         Committee on Public Health met in a public hearing and was  
         called to order by the chair, Representative Capelo, at 8:10  
         The roll was answered as follows: 
         Present:  Representatives Capelo; Dawson; McReynolds; Coleman;  
                   Taylor; Zedler (6). 
         Absent:   Representatives Laubenberg; Truitt; Naishtat; (3). 
         A quorum was present. 
         (Representative Naishtat now present.) 
         HB 2651 
         The chair laid out HB 2651. 
         The chair recognized Representative Kuempel to explain the  
         Testimony was taken.  (See attached witness list.) 
         (Representative Truitt now present.) 
         (Representative Laubenberg now present.) 
         The chair recognized Representative Kuempel to close on the  
         The bill was left pending without objection.  
         HB 1723 
         The chair laid out HB 1723. 
         The chair recognized Representative Geren to explain the  
         The chair recognized Representative Geren to close on the  
         The bill was left pending without objection.  
         HB 2185 
         The chair laid out HB2185. 
         The chair recognized Representative Geren to explain the  
         Testimony was taken.  (See attached witness list.) 
         The chair recognized Representative Geren to close on the  
         The bill was left pending without objection.  
         (Representative Laubenberg in chair.) 
         HB 1794 
         The chair laid out HB 1794. 
         The chair recognized Representative Capelo to explain the  
         Testimony was taken.  (See attached witness list.) 
         The chair recognized Representative Capelo to close on the  
         The bill was left pending without objection.  
         HB 3162 
         The chair laid out HB 3162. 
         The chair recognized Representative Capelo to explain the  
         Testimony was taken.  (See attached witness list.) 
         The chair recognized Representative Capelo to close on the  
         The bill was left pending without objection.  
         (Representative Capelo in chair.) 
         At 9:51 a.m., on the motion of the chair and without objection,  
         the meeting was recessed until final adjournment/recess of the  
         Regular Session of the House,  April 2, 2003. 
         The committee reconvened at 3:05 p.m. and was called to order by  
         the chair, Representative Capelo. The roll was answered as  
         Present:  Representatives Capelo; Coleman; Dawson; McReynolds;  
                   Naishtat; Zedler (6). 
         Absent:   Representatives Laubenberg; Truitt; Taylor (3). 
         House Committee on Public Health 
         A quorum was present. 
         HB 1877 
         The chair laid out HB 1877. 
         The chair recognized Representative Hardcastle to explain the  
         Representative McReynolds offered a complete committee  
         Testimony was taken.  (See attached witness list.) 
         The chair recognized Representative Hardcastle to close on the  
         The committee substitute was withdrawn without objection. 
         The bill was left pending without objection.  
         HB 1483 
         The chair laid out HB 1483. 
         The chair recognized Representative Allen to explain the  
         Representative Coleman offered a complete committee substitute.  
         Testimony was taken.  (See attached witness list.) 
         (Representative Laubenberg now present.) 
         (Representative Taylor now present.) 
         The chair recognized Representative Allen to close on the  
         The committee substitute was withdrawn without objection. 
         The bill was left pending without objection.  
         HB 1515 
         The chair laid out HB 1515. 
         The chair recognized Representative Allen to explain the  
         Representative McReynolds offered a complete committee  
         (Representative Truitt now present.) 
         House Committee on Public Health 
         Testimony was taken.  (See attached witness list.) 
         The chair recognized Representative Allen to close on the  
         The committee substitute was withdrawn without objection. 
         The bill was left pending without objection.  
         HB 2208 
         The chair laid out HB 2208. 
         The chair recognized Representative Allen to explain the  
         Representative McReynolds offered a complete committee  
         Testimony was taken.  (See attached witness list.) 
         The chair recognized Representative Allen to close on the  
         The committee substitute was withdrawn without objection. 
         The bill was left pending without objection.  
         HB 1952 
         The chair laid out HB 1952. 
         The chair recognized Representative Truitt to explain the  
         Representative Taylor offered a complete committee substitute.  
         Testimony was taken.  (See attached witness list.) 
         The chair recognized Representative Truitt to close on the  
         The committee substitute was withdrawn without objection. 
         The bill was left pending without objection.  
         (Representative Laubenberg in chair.) 
         HB 340 
         The chair laid out HB 340. 
         The chair recognized Representative Uresti to explain the  
         House Committee on Public Health 
         Testimony was taken.  (See attached witness list.) 
          The chair recognized Representative Uresti to close on the  
         The bill was left pending without objection.  
         (Representative Capelo in chair.) 
         HB 342 
         The chair laid out HB 342. 
         The chair recognized Representative Uresti to explain the  
         Representative Naishtat offered a complete committee substitute.  
         The chair recognized Representative Uresti to close on the  
         The committee substitute was withdrawn without objection. 
         The bill was left pending without objection.  
         HB 1348 
         The chair laid out HB 1348. 
         The chair recognized Representative Uresti to explain the  
         The chair recognized Representative Uresti to close on the  
         The bill was left pending without objection.  
         HB 1967 
         The chair laid out HB 1967. 
         The chair recognized Representative Uresti to explain the  
         Representative McReynolds offered a complete committee  
         Testimony was taken.  (See attached witness list.) 
         The chair recognized Representative Uresti to close on the  
         The committee substitute was withdrawn without objection. 
         House Committee on Public Health 
         The bill was left pending without objection.  
         HB 2535 
         The chair laid out HB 2535. 
         The chair recognized Representative Uresti to explain the  
         Testimony was taken.  (See attached witness list.) 
         The chair recognized Representative Uresti to close on the  
         The bill was left pending without objection.  
         (Representative Laubenberg in chair.) 
         HCR 81 
         The chair laid out HCR 81. 
         The chair recognized Representative Capelo to explain the  
         The chair recognized Representative Capelo to close on the  
         The bill was left pending without objection.  
         HB 1919 
         The chair laid out HB 1919. 
         The chair recognized Representative Capelo to explain the  
         The chair recognized Representative Capelo to close on the  
         The bill was left pending without objection.  
         (Representative Capelo in chair.) 
         At 9:18 p.m., on the motion of the chair and without objection,  
         the meeting was adjourned subject to the call of the chair. 
         Rep. Capelo, Chair 
         Greg Herzog, Clerk 
         House Committee on Public Health 