MINUTES SENATE COMMITTEE ON JURISPRUDENCE Thursday, July 17, 2003 9:00 a.m. Capitol Extension Auditorium ***** Pursuant to a notice posted in accordance with Senate Rule 11.18, a public hearing of the Senate Committee on Jurisprudence was held on Thursday, July 17, 2003, in the Capitol Extension Auditorium at Austin, Texas. ***** MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: Senator Robert Duncan None Senator Mario Gallegos, Jr. Senator Kip Averitt Senator Chris Harris Senator Eddie Lucio, Jr. Senator Todd Staples Senator Royce West ***** The chair called the meeting to order at 9:06 a.m. There being a quorum present, the following business was transacted: At 9:07 a.m. Senator Duncan announced the committee would stand recessed until the adjournment of the Senate. At 12:42 p.m. the committee reconvened. At 12:43 p.m. Senator Staples laid out Plan 01313C for discussion. Senators Lucio, West, and Gallegos offered comments on Plan 01313C. At 1:29 p.m. Senator West assumed the chair. At 1:32 p.m. Senator Duncan resumed the chair. The chair laid out pending business HB 3 and continued public testimony. Witnesses testifying and registering on the bill are shown on the attached list. At 2:39 p.m. Senator Duncan announced the committee would stand recessed until 3:00 p.m; without objection, it was so ordered. At 3:02 p.m. the committee reconvened and public testimony continued. At 4:29 p.m. the chair moved that the public testimony be closed on HB 3; without objection, it was so ordered. The chair laid out SB 48 and recognized the author, Senator Wentworth, to explain the bill. At 4:34 p.m. Senator Gallegos, Jr. assumed the chair. At 4:37 p.m. Senator Duncan resumed the chair. Public testimony was taken on SB 48. Witnesses testifying and registering on the bill are shown on the attached list. The chair moved that the public testimony be closed; without objection, it was so ordered. SB 48 was left pending before the committee. There being no further business, at 4:53 p.m. Senator Duncan moved that the Committee stand recessed subject to the call of the chair. ______________________ Senator Robert Duncan, Chair ______________________ Lucy Oliver, Clerk