MINUTES SENATE COMMITTEE ON NOMINATIONS Monday, April 7, 2003 3:00 p.m. or upon adjournment Capitol Extension, Room E1.016 ***** Pursuant to a notice posted in accordance with Senate Rule 11.18, a public hearing of the Senate Committee on Nominations was held on Monday, April 7, 2003, in the Capitol Extension, Room E1.016, at Austin, Texas. ***** MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: Senator Jon Lindsay Senator Chris Harris Senator Bob Deuell Senator Gonzalo Barrientos Senator John Carona Senator Juan Hinojosa Senator Mike Jackson ***** The Chair called the meeting to order at 4:07p.m. The Chair introduced Senator Lucio who introduced Nila T. Wipf, nominee to the Commission on Human Rights. The Chair introduced Senator Zaffarini who introduced Lydia Rangel Saenz, nominee to the Office of Rural Community Affairs. The Chair introduced the nominees for the Texas A&M University System, Erle Nye and John David White. Each gave their opening remarks. The Chair introduced Senator Ellis who also introduced Erle Nye and John White. The Chair introduced Senator Duncan who introduced David Gutierrez, nominee to the Commission on Jail Standards. The Chair introduced Senator Staples who introduced Marcia Daughtrey, nominee to the Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners. The Chair asked the Texas A&M nominees to continue their opening remarks. There being no questions, the Chair announced that the consideration of the nominees would be left pending awaiting the arrival of a quorum. The Chair read a witness card for John White. The Chair introduced Thomas Anderson, Tivy Whitlock and Nila Wipf, nominees for the Commission on Human Rights. Each gave their opening remarks. There being no questions, the Chair announced that the consideration of the nominees would be left pending awaiting the arrival of a quorum. The Chair introduced Marcia Olivia Daughtrey, Paul Hinton Dickerson, Sandra Lee Jensen and David Alan Sime, nominees to the Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners. Each gave opening remarks. The Chair asked about their budget. Senator Deuell asked about the Boards direction and the possibility of a rules and regulation exam. There being no other questions, the Chair announced that the consideration of the nominees would be left pending awaiting the arrival of a quorum. The Chair introduced Senator Van de Putte who introduced Tivy Whitlock, nominee to the Commission on Human Rights. The Chair introduced David Gutierrez, Horace Theodore Montgomery, and Michael Seale, nominees to the Commission on Jail Standards. The Chair introduced Senator Shapiro who introduced Earl Nye, nominee to Texas A&M University System Board of Regents. The nominees to the Commission on Jail Standards gave their opening remarks. At 4:50p.m., a quorum was present. At 4:50p.m., without objection, the motioned carried to adopt the minutes from the previous meeting. A motioned carried to pass non appearing nominee Gonzalo Gallegos, and appearing nominees David Gutierrez, Horace Theodore Montgomery and Michael Seale, to the Commission on Jail Standards, to the full Senate. The motioned carried with 6 ayes and 0 nays. Senator's Hinojosa and Jackson asked to be shown voting aye. A motioned carried to pass Marcia Olivia Daughtrey, Paul Hinton Dickerson, Sandra Lee Jensen, David Alan Sime, nominees to the Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners, to the full Senate. The motioned carried with 6 ayes and 0 nays. Senator Hinojosa and Jackson asked to be shown voting aye. The Chair announced that non appearing nominee Narciso Escareno, had written a letter to be excused, this request was not granted and he will be invited to attend another hearing to be confirmed. The Chair brought back for further questioning, Erle Nye and John White, nominees to the Texas A&M System Board of Regents. Senator Barrientos questioned tuition deregulation, the Hopwood case, its consequences and the efforts of the University to reach out to students. Senator Deuell commented on flexibility and tuition. There being no other questions, the nominees were passed to the full Senate with 6 ayes and 0 nays. Senator's Hinojosa and Jackson asked to be shown voting aye. The Chair brought back the nominees to the Commission on Human Rights, Thomas Anderson, Tivy Whitlock and Nila Wipf. Senator Barrientos questioned each on the current situation at the Commission, the ethnic breakdown and lobbying efforts of staffers. There being no other questions, the nominees were passed to the full Senate with 6 ayes and 0 nays. Senator's Hinojosa and Jackson asked to be shown voting aye. Senator Barrientos introduced James Cox, nominee to the Texas Lottery Commission. Senator Barrientos questioned whether a multi-state lottery was a good idea, his thoughts on net ticket sales, salaries and the hiring procedures for Reagan Greer as Executive Director of the Commission. The Chair asked about other gambling in the State and how much it would bring. The Chair read a witness card for the nominee. There being no other questions, the nominee was passed to the full Senate with 5 ayes and 0 nays. Senator Hinojosa asked to be shown voting aye. The Chair introduced the nominees to the Office of Rural Community Affairs, Wallace Klussmann, Lydia Rangel Saenz, and Michael Cooper Waters. Senator Barrientos questioned moving the program's agency and Senator Jackson asked the definition of "Rural." There were more than 60 definitions of "Rural." There being no questions or objections the nominees were passed to the full Senate with 5 ayes and 0 nays. Senator Hinojosa asked to be shown voting aye. The Chair asked that the nominees with the Texas Commission on Alcohol and Drug Abuse, Texas Commission for the Blind, and the Texas School Safety Center Board of Directors, be sent to the full Senate; they were passed with 5 ayes and 0 nays. There being no other business, at 6:12p.m., Chairman Lindsay announced the committee would stand in recess subject to the call of the Chair. There being no objections, the committee recessed. _______________________________ Jon Lindsay, Chairman _______________________________ Tanya Tillman, Committee Clerk