Monday, March 31, 2003 
                                     10:00 a.m. 
                           Capitol Extension, Room E1.028 
         Pursuant to a notice posted in accordance with Senate Rule  
         11.18, a public hearing of the Senate Infrastructure Development  
         and Security Committee was held on Monday, March 31, 2003, in  
         the Capitol Extension, Room E1.028, at Austin, Texas. 
         MEMBERS PRESENT:                        MEMBERS ABSENT: 
         Senator Steve Ogden                     None 
         Senator Gonzalo Barrientos 
         Senator Bob Deuell 
         Senator Rodney Ellis 
         Senator Jon Lindsay 
         Senator Frank Madla 
         Senator Florence Shapiro 
         Senator Eliot Shapleigh 
         Senator Jeff Wentworth 
         The chair called the meeting to order at 10:02 a.m.  There being  
         a quorum present, the following business was transacted:   
         The chair laid out SB 470, relating to prohibition of signs and  
         designation of scenic route on Spring-Cypress Road, and  
         recognized the author, Senator Lindsay, to explain the bill.   
         Senator Ogden moved that SB 470 be left pending until later in  
         the hearing; without objection, it was so ordered.   
         The chair laid out SB 1328, relating to insurance requirements  
         for commercial motor vehicles, and recognized the author,  
         Senator Averitt, to explain the bill.  Witnesses testifying and  
         registering on the bill are shown on the attached list.  The  
         chair moved that the public testimony be closed; without  
         objection, it was so ordered.  Senator Ogden moved that SB 1328  
         be left pending; without objection, it was so ordered.   
         Senator Deuell moved adoption of the minutes from the previous  
         hearing held on March 24, 2003; without objection, it was so  
         The chair referred the following bills regarding license plates  
                   to the Special Select Subcommittee for further  
                   consideration:  SB 569 by     Bivins, relating to the  
                   issuance of Air Force Association 
         license plates; SB 730 by Staples, relating to the design of  
         license plates for veterans with disabilities; SB 1495 by Madla,  
         relating to the issuance of special airborne parachutist license  
         plates; SB 1506 by Harris, relating to the issuance of Texas  
         County Child Welfare Boards special license plates; SB 1697 by  
         Wentworth, relating to the issuance of special license plates  
         for recipients of the Distinguished Flying Cross Medal;  and SB  
         1704 by Wentworth, relating to the issuance of specially  
         designed license plates by the Texas Department of  
         The chair laid out SB 895, relating to the conducting of a  
         driver education course by certain family members of the  
         student, and recognized the author, Senator Bivins, to explain  
         the bill.  Senator Ogden moved that SB 895 be left pending until  
         later in the hearing; without objection, it was so ordered.   
         The chair laid out SB 1580, relating to bond requirements for  
         privatized maintenance contracts and recognized the author,  
         Senator Wentworth, to explain the bill. Senator Wentworth sent  
         up a committee substitute; the chair recognized Senator  
         Wentworth to explain the difference between the committee  
         substitute and the bill as filed. Witnesses testifying and  
         registering on the bill are shown on the attached list.  The  
         chair moved that the public testimony be closed; without  
         objection, it was so ordered.  Senator Ogden moved that SB 1580  
         be left pending until later in the hearing; without objection,  
         it was so ordered.   
         The chair laid out SB 1715, relating to motor vehicle lighting  
         equipment and compulsory inspection and recognized the author,  
         Senator Wentworth, to explain the bill.  Witnesses testifying  
         and registering on the bill are shown on the attached list.  The  
         chair moved that the public testimony be closed; without  
         objection, it was so ordered.  Senator Ogden moved that SB 1715  
         be left pending; without objection, it was so ordered.   
         The chair laid out SB 470, which had been left pending earlier  
         in the hearing.  Witnesses testifying and registering on the  
         bill are shown on the attached list.  The chair moved that the  
         public testimony be closed; without objection, it was so  
         ordered.  Senator Ogden moved that SB 470 be left pending;  
         without objection, it was so ordered.   
         The chair laid out SB 888 and recognized Senator Shapiro, in the  
         absence of the author, to explain the bill.  Senator Shapiro  
         sent up a committee substitute; the chair recognized Senator  
         Shapiro to explain the difference between the committee  
         substitute and the bill as filed.  Witnesses testifying and  
         registering on the bill are shown on the attached list.  The  
         chair moved that the public testimony be closed; without  
         objection, it was so ordered.  Senator Ogden moved that SB 888  
         be left pending; without objection, it was so ordered.   
         At 11:24 a.m. Senator Madla assumed the chair.   
         The chair laid out SB 944, relating to the expiration and  
         appearance of a driver's license, identification certificate, or  
         commercial driver's license or permit issued to a person who is  
         not a citizen of the United States, and recognized the author,  
         Senator Ogden, to explain the bill.  Witnesses testifying and  
         registering on the bill are shown on the attached list.  Senator  
         Ogden moved that SB 944 be left pending until later in the  
         hearing; without objection, it was so ordered. 
         At 12:04 p.m. Senator Ogden resumed the chair.    
         The chair laid out SB 1580, which had been left pending earlier  
         in the hearing.  The chair recognized Senator Wentworth to  
         explain the difference between a committee substitute he sent up  
         earlier at the hearing, and the bill as filed.  Senator Ogden  
         moved adoption of the committee substitute; without objection,  
         it was so ordered.  Senator Wentworth moved that SB 1580 do not  
         pass but that CSSB 1580 be reported back to the Senate with the  
         recommendation that it do pass and be printed.  The motion  
         carried with a record vote of 9 ayes, 0 nay, 0 present not  
         voting, and 0 absent.  Senator Wentworth moved that the bill be  
         recommended for placement on the Local & Uncontested Calendar;  
         without objection, it was so ordered.   
         The chair laid out SB 470, which had been left pending earlier  
         in the hearing.  Senator Lindsay moved that SB 470 be reported  
         favorably to the Senate with the recommendation that it do pass  
         and be printed.  The motion carried with a record vote of 9  
         ayes, 0 nay, 0 present not voting, and 0 absent.  Senator  
         Lindsay moved that the bill be recommended for placement on the  
         Local & Uncontested Calendar; without objection, it was so  
         The chair laid out SB 895, which had been left pending earlier  
         in the hearing.  Senator Ogden moved that SB 895 be reported  
         favorably to the Senate with the recommendation that it do pass  
         and be printed.  The motion carried with a record vote of 9  
         ayes, 0 nay, 0 present not voting, and 0 absent.  Senator Madla  
         moved that the bill be recommended for placement on the Local &  
         Uncontested Calendar; without objection, it was so ordered.   
         The chair laid out SB 1063 by Shapiro, relating to insurance  
         coverage of commercial motor carriers, which had been left  
         pending from a previous hearing.  Senator Barrientos moved that  
         SB 1063 be reported favorably to the Senate with the  
         recommendation that it do pass and be printed. Senator Shapleigh  
         requested unanimous consent to be shown voting aye on SB 1063;  
         without objection, it was so ordered.  The motion carried with a  
         record vote of 9 ayes, 0 nay, 0 present not voting, and 0  
         At 12:12 p.m. Senator Barrientos assumed the chair.   
         The chair laid out SJR 21 by Lucio, proposing a constitutional  
         amendment authorizing the legislature to provide for the  
         issuance of bonds for improvements to the state highway system,  
         which had been left pending from a previous hearing.  Senator  
         Ogden sent up a committee substitute; the chair recognized  
         Senator Ogden to explain the difference between the committee  
         substitute and the bill as filed.  At the substitute author's  
         request, the chair withdrew consideration of the substitute;  
         without objection, it was so ordered.  The chair moved to  
         withdraw SJR 21 from consideration at this hearing; without  
         objection, it was so ordered. 
         The chair laid out SJR 44 by Ogden, proposing a constitutional  
         amendment authorizing the legislature to provide for the  
         issuance of bonds and other public securities secured by the  
         state highway fund for improvements to the state highway system,  
         which had been left pending from a previous hearing.  Senator  
         Ogden moved that SJR 44 be reported favorably to the Senate with  
         the recommendation that it do pass and be printed.  The motion  
         carried with a record vote of 9 ayes, 0 nay, 0 present not  
         voting, and 0 absent.     
         The chair laid out SB 1083 by Ogden, relating to the issuance of  
         bonds and other public securities secured by the state highway  
         fund and the financing and construction of highways, which had  
         been left pending from a previous hearing.  Senator Lindsay sent  
         up Committee Amendment 1.  At the bill author's request, the  
         chair moved to withdraw SB 1083 from consideration at this  
         hearing; without objection, it was so ordered. 
         The chair laid out SJR 43 by Ogden, proposing a constitutional  
         amendment authorizing the Texas Department of Transportation to  
         borrow money from the permanent school fund to finance the  
         acquisition of rights-of-way, which had been left pending from a  
         previous hearing.  Senator Ogden moved that SJR 43 be reported  
         favorably to the Senate with the recommendation that it do pass  
         and be printed.  The motion carried with a record vote of 9  
         ayes, 0 nay, 0 present not voting, and 0 absent.   
         The chair laid out SB 1082 by Ogden, relating to loans from the  
         permanent school fund for the acquisition of rights-of-way for  
         the state highway system, which had been left pending from a  
         previous hearing.  The chair, at the substitute author's  
         request, pulled down a substitute adopted at a previous hearing;  
         without objection, it was so ordered.  Senator Ogden sent up a   
         new committee substitute; the chair recognized Senator Ogden to  
         explain the difference between the committee substitute and the  
         bill as filed. Senator Ogden moved adoption of the committee  
         substitute; without objection, it was so ordered. Public  
         testimony was then re-opened from a previous hearing. Witnesses  
         testifying and registering on the bill are shown on the attached 
         list.  The chair moved that the public testimony be closed;  
         without objection, it was so ordered.    Senator Shapiro sent up  
         Committee Amendment 1 and moved adoption; without objection, the  
         amendment was adopted.  Senator Shapiro requested unanimous  
         consent to roll the amendment into a new committee substitute;  
         without objection, it was so ordered.  Senator Ogden moved that  
         SB 1082 do not pass but that CSSB 1082 be reported back to the  
         Senate with the recommendation that it do pass and be printed.   
         The motion carried with a record vote of 8 ayes, 0 nay, 0  
         present not voting, and 1 absent.   
         At 12:40 p.m. Senator Ogden resumed the chair.   
         At 12:41 p.m. Senator Lindsay assumed the chair.  
         The chair laid out SB 944, which had been left pending earlier  
         in the hearing.  Public testimony was then resumed.  Witnesses  
         testifying and registering on the bill are shown on the attached  
         list.  The chair moved that the public testimony be closed;  
         without objection, it was so ordered.  Senator Lindsay moved  
         that SB 944 be left pending; without objection, it was so  
         The chair laid out SB 1397, relating to the operation of Texas  
         Task Force 1, and recognized the author, Senator Ogden, to  
         explain the bill.  Witnesses testifying and registering on the  
         bill are shown on the attached list.  The chair moved that the  
         public testimony be closed; without objection, it was so  
         ordered.  Senator Lindsay moved that SB 1397 be left pending;  
         without objection, it was so ordered.  
         The chair laid out SB 1398, relating to the admissibility of the  
         use or nonuse of certain safety devices in a civil trial and  
         recognized the author, Senator Ogden, to explain the bill.    
         Witnesses testifying and registering on the bill are shown on  
         the attached list.  The chair moved that the public testimony be  
         closed; without objection, it was so ordered.  Senator Lindsay  
         moved that SB 1398 be left pending; without objection, it was so  
         At 1:21 p.m. Senator Ogden resumed the chair.   
         There being no further business, at 1:22 p.m. Senator Ogden  
         moved that the Committee stand recessed subject to the call of  
         the chair.  Without objection, it was so ordered.   
         Senator Steve Ogden, Chair 
         Amy Schwartz, Clerk