Committee on Veteran Affairs & 
                               Military Installations 
                              Tuesday, April 22, 2003 
            1:30 p.m. (or upon adjournment of the Senate--whichever is  
              Senator Van de Putte's desk, Chamber of the Texas Senate 
         Pursuant to a suspension of the Senate's 24-hour posting  
         rules--Senate Rule 11.10(a) and Senate Rule 11.18(a)--the  
         Committee on Veteran Affairs and Military Installations  
         conducted a formal meeting at the desk of Senator Van de Putte,  
         in the Chamber of the Texas Senate in the State Capitol  
         Building, for the purpose of again taking up and reconsidering  
         Senate Joint Resolution No. 55 in order that a procedural flaw  
         occurring at the Committee's regular public hearing on  
         Wednesday, April 16, 2003, may be corrected and superceded. 
         MEMBERS PRESENT:                        MEMBERS ABSENT: 
         Senator Leticia Van de Putte, Chair     Senator Troy Fraser 
         Senator Craig Estes, Vice Chair 
         Senator Frank Madla 
         Senator Eliot Shapleigh 
         The Chair called the formal meeting to order at  
         1:35 p.m., pursuant to the suspension of Senate  
         Rule 11.10(a) and Senate Rule 11.18(a).  A quorum  
         was announced present. 
         The Chair stated that the purpose of the formal  
         meeting was to reconsider the motion by which the  
         Committee on April 16, 2003 favorably reported back  
         to the full Senate a proposed complete Committee  
         Substitute for Senate Joint Resolution No. 55  
         (Legislative Council inventory number 78R10928  
         MCK-D) so that a revised complete committee  
         substitute may be exchanged for it. 
         Senator Shapleigh moved to reconsider the vote by  
         which the Committee favorably reported to the full  
         Senate that particular proposed complete Committee  
         Substitute for Senate Joint Resolution No. 55  
         (Legislative Council inventory number 78R10928  
         MCK-D).  The motion prevailed without objection. 
         The revised proposed complete Committee Substitute  
         for Senate Joint Resolution No. 55 (Legislative  
         Council inventory number 78R12353 MCK-D)  was then  
         laid before the Committee. 
         On motion of Senator Shapleigh, the Committee voted  
         (4 YEAS Chair Van de Putte, Vice Chair Estes, Madla  
         and Shapleigh; 0 NAYS; 1 ABSENT Fraser; an 0 PNV)  
         to favorably report the revised Committee  
         Substitute for Senate Joint Resolution No. 55  
         (Legislative Council inventory number 78R12353  
         MCK-D) back to the full Senate with the  
         recommendation that it do pass.  
         There being no further business, the Chair, at 1:38  
         p.m., RECESSED the Committee until the next day,  
         Wednesday, April 23, 2003, for its regularly-posted  
         public hearing. 
         LETICIA VAN DE PUTTE, R.Ph., Chair 
         GREGORY D. WATSON, Committee Clerk