HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES
                          NOTICE OF FORMAL MEETING

COMMITTEE: Appropriations-S/C on Health & Human Services

TIME & DATE:  7:30PM or (see below)
             Monday, March 3, 2003

PLACE: E1.022

CHAIR: Rep. Arlene Wohlgemuth

**This meeting has been canceled.**

The Appropriations subcommittee on Health and Human Services will have a
formal meeting at 7:30 p.m, or upon adjournment/recess of the
subcommittee's scheduled public hearing, whichever is later.

For informational purposes the subcommittee anticipates consideration of
the following agencies:

*Department on Aging
*Commission on Alcohol and Drug Abuse
*Cancer Council
*Commission for the Blind
*Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
*Interagency Council on Early Childhood Intervention
*Rehabilitation Commission
