HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES
                          NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING

COMMITTEE: Child Welfare & Foster Care, Select

TIME & DATE: 10:00AM, Wednesday, March 24, 2004

PLACE: E2.026

CHAIR: Rep. Suzanna Gratia Hupp


** Please Note Room Change E2.026. **

The Interim Select Committee on Child Welfare and Foster Care will conduct
a hearing on Wednesday, March 24th at 10:00am in the Capitol Extension
Room E2.026.

The topic of this hearing will be Adoption, specifically Charge #1:
Determine barriers to adoption, specific to minority children, in
foster care.  Determine activities that will increase the recruitment
and retention of racial and ethnic minority families as foster care

Please plan testimony accordingly.

I.   Comments, follow-up from Feb. 4th hearing
II.  Invited Testimony (in no particular order):
Department of Family and Protective Services
Texas Alliance of Child and Family Services
One Church, One Child
Spaulding for Children
Lutheran Social Services of the South
Adopt 2000
Advocacy, Inc
III. Public Testimony
