HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMITTEE: Economic Development TIME & DATE: 9:00AM, Wednesday, August 25, 2004 PLACE: E2.016 CHAIR: Rep. Jim Keffer ___________________________________________________________________________ The committee will meet to discuss the following interim study topics: Topic 4: Study how businesses currently view the Texas Workers' Compensation System and whether it deters business growth or expansion into Texas. Study any reforms that could be used as an incentive for economic development, business recruitment or business retention. Topic 1: Evaluate job training programs offered by the state and whether the state's efforts have been negatively impacted by the loss of the Smart Jobs Program. Study the role of career and technology job training programs and their effectiveness in adult education programs, job retraining programs, post-secondary education and high school programs. Recommend legislative changes to enhance job training programs or provide incentives for business recruitment and retention. Topic 3: Actively monitor the status of the Unemployment Compensation Trust Fund. Review the impact of legislative changes enacted by SB 280, 78th Legislature, on funding of the Unemployment Compensation Trust Fund. ___________________________________________________________________________