** REVISION ** HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMITTEE: Elections TIME & DATE: 2:00PM or upon final adjourn./recess Wednesday, April 30, 2003 PLACE: E2.012 CHAIR: Rep. Mary Denny ___________________________________________________________________________ HB 502 Dutton Relating to the compensation of an election judge or clerk. HB 1579 Gallego Relating to the regulation of certain political contributions, political expenditures, and political advertising; providing civil and criminal penalties. HB 1580 Gallego Relating to limits on political contributions to and direct campaign expenditures made on behalf of certain candidates, officeholders, and political committees; providing civil penalties. HB 1581 Gallego Relating to the reporting of information relating to the occupation and employer of persons making certain political contributions or contributions to legislative caucuses. HB 2194 Farabee Relating to the name of political committees for supporting a candidate or assisting an officeholder. HB 2195 Farabee Relating to the regulation and reporting of certain political contributions, political expenditures, and political advertising. HB 2958 Mabry Relating to the eligibility of a person to be the nominee of a political party other than the party holding the primary in which the person voted or was a candidate. SB 197 Staples Relating to the challenge of a voter's registration. SB 244 West Relating to the making of political contributions to or the acceptance of political contributions by statewide officeholders and members of the legislature during the period in which the governor may veto a bill. SB 454 Hinojosa Relating to the uniform election date for certain cities. SB 703 Jackson Relating to providing a uniform limit on the population of a county election precinct. SB 1449 Harris Relating to conflicts of interest involving lobbyists. ___________________________________________________________________________ BILLS ADDED AFTER LAST POSTING: SB 1449