NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING

COMMITTEE: Human Services

TIME & DATE:  1:00PM, Tuesday, June 22, 2004

PLACE: E2.010

CHAIR: Rep. Carlos Uresti

Interim Charge #2:  Study the indident of abuse and neglect of individuals
receiving services in community care settings.  The committee will evaluate
the effectiveness of procedures to prevent abuse and neglect, methods to
streamline reporting and investigations and the adequacy of available
enforcement mechanisms.

The committee will be discussing Child Protective Services issues.

Invited Testimony Only

Interim Charge #3:  Assess the effectiveness of new marriage promotion
initiatives in the Temporary Assistance For Needy Families (TANF) program.

The committee will be establishing a subcommittee on this charge.

Interim Charge #4:  Monitor Congressional re-authorization of TANF and
child care programs and the impact of federal policy changes on Texas'
welfare reform efforts.  Report any needed policy changes to accommodate
new federal policy for the 79th Legislature.

The committee will be establishing a subcommittee on this charge.
