NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING

COMMITTEE: Insurance

TIME & DATE: 10:00AM or upon final adjourn./recess
             Monday, March 31, 2003

PLACE: E2.026

CHAIR: Rep. John T. Smithee


HB 472            Pickett
Relating to requirements for certain licensing programs
administered by the state fire marshal.

HB 979            Dukes
Relating to property and casualty insurance coverage for certain
manufactured homes.

HB 1345            Uresti
Relating to information provided by certain health benefit plans
through the Internet.

HB 1262            Castro / et al.
Relating to certain claims settlement practices under a motor
vehicle insurance policy; imposing penalties.

HB 1243            Thompson
Relating to compensation of insurance agents by small employer
health benefit plan carriers.

HB 1543            Bonnen
Relating to health benefit plan coverage for an enrollee with
autism and pervasive developmental disorders.

HB 1267            Seaman
Relating to small employer health benefit plans.

HB 1268            Seaman
Relating to outpatient drug benefit coverage in certain health
insurance policies.

HB 8            Smithee / et al.
Relating to regulation of certain types of insurance and the
conduct of certain insurers.

HB 2259            Smithee
Relating to the policy terms for medical malpractice liability
insurance written by the Texas Medical Liability Insurance
Underwriting Association.
