HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMITTEE: Natural Resources TIME & DATE: 3:00PM or upon final adjourn./recess Wednesday, April 2, 2003 PLACE: E2.014, Capitol Extension CHAIR: Rep. Robert Puente ___________________________________________________________________________ HB 1577 Gallego Relating to the prohibition of glass containers within the boundaries of a state-owned riverbed; providing criminal penalties. HB 1830 Lewis Relating to county authority to regulate the placement of water wells in unincorporated areas of the county; providing a penalty. HB 919 Eiland Relating to the review and approval of a subdivision of land by certain special districts. HB 2786 Eiland Relating to an extension of a strategic partnership agreement between a special purpose district and certain municipalities. HB 2250 Flores Relating to the duties of the Rio Grande watermaster. HB 3034 Ellis Relating to the rates of certain retail public utilities. HB 2348 Casteel Relating to the dissolution of the Southeast Trinity Groundwater Conservation District. HB 2518 Dawson Relating to the kinds of contracts of the Brazoria County Conservation and Reclamation District Number Three that are subject to competitive bidding. HB 2564 Paxton / et al. Relating to review by a county of a petition for the creation of a municipal utility district. HB 2565 Paxton / et al. Relating to the regulation of certain special districts by certain populous counties. HB 2978 Callegari Relating to strategic partnership agreements between municipalities and certain conservation and reclamation districts. HB 2888 Cook, Robby Relating to removing exemptions for certain wells and impounded water. HB 1534 Cook, Robby Relating to the removal of certain powers of groundwater conservation districts. HB 2567 Geren Relating to the disposal of brine from desalination operations. HB 2184 Geren Relating to prohibiting the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality from amending, interpreting, impairing, or modifying a written contract for the provision of water. HB 2660 Puente Relating to the establishment of minimum levels of water conservation in water conservation plans. HB 2661 Puente Relating to the use of graywater. HB 2663 Puente Relating to the establishment of quantifiable goals for drought contingency plans. HB 2664 Puente Relating to the office of public interest counsel. HB 2665 Puente Relating to the creation of a task force to evaluate matters regarding water conservation. ___________________________________________________________________________