** REVISION ** HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMITTEE: Natural Resources TIME & DATE: 8:00AM, Wednesday, May 14, 2003 PLACE: E2.014, Capitol Extension CHAIR: Rep. Robert Puente ___________________________________________________________________________ ******************This hearing has been CANCELED*************************** SB 1374 Armbrister Relating to public waters and provision for environmental flows by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. SB 1377 Armbrister Relating to landowners of groundwater whose land is enrolled or participating in a government conservation program. SB 1304 Madla Relating to the creation, division, or conversion of, or purchaser notice about, certain kinds of water districts. SB 1902 Lucio Relating to the creation, administration, powers, duties, operation, and financing of the Rio Grande Regional Water Authority; authorizing the issuance of bonds. SB 1888 Staples Relating to the creation, administration, powers, duties, operation, and financing of the Southeast Texas Groundwater Conservation District. SB 1725 Lindsay Relating to the North Harris County Regional Water Authority. SB 1729 Lindsay Relating to certain contracts by water districts that are related to complying with state or federal construction stormwater requirements. HB 3628 Kuempel Relating to the creation, administration, powers, duties, operation, and financing of the East Central Water District; granting the power of eminent domain and the authority to issue bonds; providing a civil penalty. SB 1633 Wentworth Relating to the installation and use of a water softener or reverse osmosis system by an owner of an on-site sewage disposal system. ___________________________________________________________________________