SENATE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMITTEE: Business & Commerce TIME & DATE: 9:00AM, Tuesday, May 13, 2003 PLACE: Betty King Committee Room CHAIR: Senator Troy Fraser ___________________________________________________________________________ To be considered: HB 135 Brown, Fred / et al. SP: Shapiro Relating to the requirements of an auctioneer's license. HB 1056 Hamilton SP: Williams Relating to the employment of a minor in certain establishments that serve alcoholic beverages. HB 1232 Geren SP: Brimer Relating to the expiration of alcoholic beverage permits and licenses. HB 1296 Noriega SP: Lindsay Relating to small business development programs of navigation districts and port authorities. HB 1493 Solomons SP: Harris Relating to the foreclosure of property and the authority of a mortgage servicer to administer the foreclosure on behalf of a mortgagee. HB 1496 Solomons SP: Duncan Relating to reduction in benefit fraud and claim overpayments in unemployment compensation. HB 1526 Geren SP: Harris Relating to the registration requirements for certain retired architects. HB 2172 Chavez SP: Lucio Relating to administration of certain workforce development programs by the Texas Workforce Commission. HB 2200 Solomons SP: Fraser Relating to restrictions on apartment owners in a condominium regime relating to club membership. HB 3179 Homer SP: Van de Putte Relating to the elimination of certain membership requirements for local workforce development boards and of certain programs administered by those boards. SCR 48 Van de Putte Directing the Texas Workers' Compensation Commission to complete a study of prescription drug costs provided under the system, promulgate regulations defining payment methodology, and streamline procedures for claims. SB 1341 Jackson Relating to the duty of a land title company to give notice of certain purchases of land. Pending business: HB 730 Ritter / et al. SP: Fraser Relating to residential construction, including certain warranties, building and performance standards, and dispute resolution; providing an administrative penalty. HB 849 Talton SP: Jackson Relating to the regulation of tow truck lights by political subdivisions. HB 1282 McCall SP: Duncan Relating to commercial electronic mail; providing penalties. SB 1436 Staples Relating to the creation and administration of the community telecommunications alliance program. ___________________________________________________________________________