** REVISION ** SENATE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMITTEE: Government Organization TIME & DATE: 1:00PM Or upon adjournment Wednesday, May 7, 2003 PLACE: Senate Chamber CHAIR: Senator Rodney Ellis Meeting Cancelled. ___________________________________________________________________________ This meeting has been cancelled. To consider the following: HB 426 Christian / et al. SP: Deuell Relating to the adoption of state agency rules that impose certain costs on local governments or persons. HB 1218 Chisum SP: Nelson Relating to the continuation and functions of the Texas State Board of Public Accountancy and to the confidentiality of certain information of a taxpayer undergoing examination by the comptroller; providing penalties. HB 1401 Goolsby SP: Carona Relating to the implementation of Amber Alert or another system for publicly disseminating emergency information about abducted children by the Texas Lottery Commission. Pending Business: SB 791 West Relating to a program to monitor the collection and remittance of certain court costs and fees. ___________________________________________________________________________