** REVISION ** SENATE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMITTEE: Government Organization TIME & DATE: 8:30AM, Friday, May 16, 2003 PLACE: Capitol Extension E1.016 CHAIR: Senator Rodney Ellis ___________________________________________________________________________ Senator Ellis suspended the 24 hour posting rule so that the Government Organization Committee could meet at 8:30am on Friday, May 16th, in Room E1.016 to consider the following: SB 1952 Ellis, Rodney Relating to the reorganization of, efficiency in, and other reform measures applying to state government. Pending Business: SB 1048 Ellis, Rodney Relating to the abolition of the Public Utility Commission of Texas and the Railroad Commission of Texas, the creation of the Texas Energy and Communications Commission, and the transfer of the powers and duties of the public utility commission and the railroad commission to the energy and communications commission and other state agencies. HB 599 Chisum / et al. SP: Jackson Relating to the continuation and functions of the State Bar of Texas and to the practice of law in the state. HB 1166 Solomons SP: Shapleigh Relating to the on-line information needs and requirements of licensing agencies and their license holders. HB 1218 Chisum SP: Nelson Relating to the continuation and functions of the Texas State Board of Public Accountancy and to the confidentiality of certain information of a taxpayer undergoing examination by the comptroller; providing penalties. HB 1241 Homer SP: Janek Relating to measures to protect the state from theft, lost lottery tickets, or other losses incurred by or in connection with lottery sales agents. HB 1401 Goolsby SP: Carona Relating to the implementation of Amber Alert or another system for publicly disseminating emergency information about abducted children by the Texas Lottery Commission. HB 2455 Chisum SP: Nelson Relating to the governmental entities subject to, and the confidentiality of records under, the sunset review process. HB 2485 Hochberg SP: Ratliff Relating to internal auditing of state agencies. HB 3024 Casteel SP: Armbrister Relating to increasing governmental efficiency through the reduction of duplicative reporting and auditing requirements. ___________________________________________________________________________ BILLS ADDED AFTER LAST POSTING: SB 1048