** REVISION ** SENATE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMITTEE: Natural Resources TIME & DATE: 10:00AM, Tuesday, April 15, 2003 PLACE: E1.012 CHAIR: Senator Kenneth Armbrister ___________________________________________________________________________ CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING: HB 555 Chisum SP: Armbrister Relating to notice requirements for certain portable facilities under the Clean Air Act. HB 1365 Bonnen SP: Harris Relating to the Texas emissions reduction plan. SB 455 Armbrister Relating to compliance histories for and incentives to reward compliance performance by entities regulated by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. SB 780 Armbrister Relating to a requirement that certain irrigation systems have rain shut-off devices. SB 811 Shapleigh Relating to the regulation of outdoor burning of domestic waste. SB 967 Lucio Relating to the water infrastructure fund, rural water assistance fund, rural community water and wastewater loan fund, and colonia self-help account. SB 1121 Staples Relating to the powers and duties of the General Land Office and the accounting and disposition of state-owned real property. SB 1141 Estes Relating to agriculture and the powers and duties of the Department of Agriculture. SB 1158 Averitt Relating to certain fees collected by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. SB 1220 Harris / et al. Relating to the Texas emissions reduction plan. SB 1227 Duncan Relating to authority of political subdivisions to exercise the power of eminent domain to acquire rights to water. SB 1235 Williams Relating to contested case hearings regarding applications for certain environmental permits. SB 1250 Armbrister Relating to the land application of certain sludge. SB 1272 Armbrister Relating to the permitting process for the construction of certain concrete plants. SB 1276 Armbrister Relating to the Lavaca-Navidad River Authority, formerly known as the Jackson County Flood Control District. SB 1304 Madla Relating to the creation, division, or conversion of, or purchaser notice about, certain kinds of water districts. SB 1329 Averitt Relating to the frequency of weights and measures testing. SB 1344 Jackson Relating to funding license buyback programs of the Parks and Wildlife Department. SB 1361 Staples Relating to the purposes for which citizen evidence may be used by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. SB 1362 Staples Relating to the development of a regional water supply reservoir project at the Lake Eastex reservoir site and the acquisition of the site and other property. SB 1377 Armbrister Relating to landowners of groundwater whose land is enrolled or participating in a government conservation program. SB 1639 Staples Relating to regulation of spacing and production of groundwater from aquifers by a groundwater conservation district. SB 1641 Staples Relating to the creation of Lake View Management and Development District in Henderson County; providing authority to impose a tax and issue bonds; granting the power of eminent domain. SB 1725 Lindsay Relating to the North Harris County Regional Water Authority. SB 1729 Lindsay Relating to certain contracts by water districts that are related to complying with state or federal construction stormwater requirements. SB 1888 Staples Relating to the creation, administration, powers, duties, operation, and financing of the Southeast Texas Groundwater Conservation District. PENDING BUSINESS: SB 738 Duncan Relating to the notice and hearing process for groundwater conservation districts. SB 989 Armbrister Relating to the inspection of wildlife resources and devices used to catch or hunt wildlife resources; providing a criminal penalty. SB 1656 Madla Relating to prohibiting the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality from amending, interpreting, impairing, or modifying a written contract for the provision of water. SB 1657 Madla Relating to the promulgation of rules regarding the construction and maintenance of walkway standards. SB 1886 Madla Relating to the administration, powers, duties, taxing authority, and operation of the Kinney County Groundwater Conservation District and the development and management of groundwater resources in Kinney County. SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS: SB 1123 Staples Relating to the promotion and marketing of Texas products. SB 1268 Estes Relating to the creation of an organic standards registration and certification program. SB 1389 Duncan Relating to livestock branding and identification. SB 1413 Deuell Relating to certain powers and duties of the Department of Agriculture and other entities engaged in agricultural activities. ___________________________________________________________________________