SENATE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMITTEE: Natural Resources TIME & DATE: 2:30PM, Friday, May 23, 2003 PLACE: Capitol Extension E1.028 CHAIR: Senator Kenneth Armbrister ___________________________________________________________________________ The 24 hour posting rule was suspended to consider the following: HB 240 Miller / et al. SP: Fraser Relating to the punishment for criminal mischief committed by intentionally introducing infectious diseases into livestock. HB 2388 Cook, Robby SP: Armbrister Relating to the late payment of certain submetered or allocated water bills and the use of certain submetering equipment. HB 2444 West, George "Buddy" SP: Armbrister Relating to certain purchases by the Railroad Commission of Texas. HB 2875 Bonnen SP: Armbrister Relating to the definition of "dispose of" for purposes of criminal penalties imposed under the Water Code. HB 3061 Flores SP: Hinojosa Relating to regulation of the disposal of animal remains. HB 2846 Farabee SP: Fraser Relating to the authority of the State Office of Administrative Hearings to conduct certain hearings over which the Railroad Commission of Texas has jurisdiction. ___________________________________________________________________________