NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING

COMMITTEE: Health & Human Services

TIME & DATE:  9:00AM, Wednesday, April 28, 2004

PLACE: Senate Chamber

CHAIR: Senator Jane Nelson

Charge #1 (portion) - Study and make recommendations on structural reform,
efficiency improvements, and cost savings in the state Medicaid and CHIP
programs, with a goal of changing the method and delivery of service to
reduce costs while providing the intended services.  The Committee should
examine and make recommendations to subsidize private insurance in lieu of
Medicaid and CHIP where possible and develop possible HIFA waiver options
that incorporate premium subsidization.

Charge #4 (portion) - Monitor the implementation and make recommendations
to enhance the effectiveness of legislation relating to the pilot front end
Medicaid fraud reduction systems, federal program developments related to
TANF re-authorization and related programs, and federal developments
related to prescription drugs in Medicare and the effect on Medicaid.
