                          NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING

COMMITTEE: Infrastructure Development and Security

TIME & DATE: 10:00AM, Monday, May 12, 2003

PLACE: E1.028

CHAIR: Senator Steve Ogden

To consider the following:


HB 630            Hilderbran / et al.      SP: Madla
Relating to the designation of State Highway 173 between Kerrville
and Jourdanton as the 173d Airborne Brigade Memorial Highway.

HB 816            Woolley                  SP: Lindsay
Relating to recognizing the week that includes the third Friday in
May as Transportation Week.

HB 874            Menendez                 SP: Wentworth
Relating to the driver's license or personal identification card
number on a parking placard issued to an individual with a

HB 1330            McReynolds               SP: Staples
Relating to medical information on a driver's license.

HB 1439            Eissler                  SP: Williams
Relating to the application and enforcement of traffic regulations
in private subdivisions in certain counties.

HB 1654            Wohlgemuth               SP: Averitt
Relating to designation of a portion of State Highway 121 in
Tarrant and Johnson counties as the Chisholm Trail Parkway.

HB 1883            Baxter                   SP: Ogden
Relating to the appointment of a voting proxy by members of certain
policy boards of metropolitan planning organizations.

HB 2092            Harper-Brown             SP: Wentworth
Relating to the award of certain state highway maintenance

HB 2096            Pickett                  SP: Lucio
Relating to creation of an offense for transporting a person in
certain trailers and semitrailers.

HB 2116            Brown, Fred              SP: Ogden
Relating to the operation of Texas Task Force 1.

HB 2384            Hegar                    SP: Janek
Relating to the unauthorized use of toll roads in certain counties.

HB 2859            Wohlgemuth               SP: Ogden
Relating to the regulation of obstructions to air navigation.

Pending Business:

SB 355            Janek
Relating to public health preparedness; providing criminal

SB 399            Van de Putte
Relating to the powers and duties of the governor and certain state
agencies relating to public health, including public health

SB 1677            Barrientos
Relating to the financing, construction, improvement, maintenance,
and operation of toll facilities by the Texas Department of

HB 157            Krusee / et al.          SP: Ogden
Relating to the powers and duties of a regional mobility authority.

HB 479            Hunter                   SP: Armbrister
Relating to registration with the Selective Service System of
certain applicants for a driver's license or personal
identification certificate.
