                          NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING

COMMITTEE: Infrastructure Development and Security

TIME & DATE:  9:00AM, Tuesday, April 13, 2004

PLACE: E1.030

CHAIR: Senator Todd Staples

The Senate Committee on Infrastructure Development and Security will be
holding a Joint Hearing with Senate Finance Committee on Tuesday, April 13,
2004 at 9 am in E1.030.  The Committee will consider the following:

  I. Call to Order
 II. Roll Call
III. Opening Remarks
 IV. Invited Testimony on the following Charge:

6.  Study and report on the distribution of federal funds to Texas through
the Governor's Office, state agencies, and directly to local units of
government for homeland security measures, including but not limited to,
public health and welfare, safety, awareness and the subsequent use of any
funds that might be awarded.  Make recommendations relating to the
development of a method for tracking this information across jurisdictions
and state programs.  Evaluate the allocation and efficient use of future
federal funds to the state and local governments and identify
opportunities to enhance current state funding for homeland security and
other measures.

  V. Other Business
 VI. Adjourn/Recess
