NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING

COMMITTEE: Infrastructure Development and Security

TIME & DATE:  9:30AM, Wednesday, April 14, 2004

PLACE: DPS Headquarters: Austin

CHAIR: Senator Todd Staples

The Senate Committee on Infrastructure Development and Security will meet
on Wednesday, April 14 at 9:30 A.M. at the State Operations Center,
DPS Headquarters, Bldg. A, 5805 N.Lamar, Austin.  The Committee will
consider the following:

  I. Call to order
 II. Roll Call
III. Opening Remarks
 IV. Invited testimony on the following charge:

7.  Evaluate state and local efforts to enhance the security of Texans and
make recommendations for improving Texas' ability to detect, deter, and
respond to acts of terrorism, including state plans and programs for
addressing bioterrorism.  Regarding bioterrorism events, the Committee
shall focus on early detection of an incident, reporting of information
from local health entites, and ability to organize and administer a mass
vaccination. Make recommendations relating to improvements to state and
local communications networks and develop innovative methods for sharing
federal, state, and local information.

  V. Other Business
 VI. Adjourn/Recess
