                          NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING

COMMITTEE: Infrastructure Development and Security

TIME & DATE:  1:00PM, Monday, May 10, 2004

PLACE: Senate Chamber

CHAIR: Senator Todd Staples

Meeting has been Cancelled

Meeting has been cancelled.
The Senate Committee on Infrastructure Development and Security will hold a
joint hearing with Senate Business and Commerce Committee on May 10, 2004
at 1 p.m. in the Senate Chamber.  The Committees will meet to consider
Joint Interim Charge 1, which states: " Study the possibility of
whether a system failure in Texas could occur in a manner similar to the
blackout that occured in the northeastern United States.  Include a review
of the Texas electric system and make recommendations on ways to enhance
the security and stability of the system.  Review industry plans and
procedures and determine their effectiveness in responding to system
disruption.  Study the transmission and distribution system in Texas and
make recommendations on the policies to plan for and promote investment
in future transmission needs.

Invited and public testimony will be heard.
