NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING

COMMITTEE: Subcommittee on Base Realignment and Closure

TIME & DATE:  1:30PM Or upon adjournment
             Tuesday, April 22, 2003

PLACE: Senator Shapleigh's Desk

CHAIR: Senator Eliot Shapleigh


SB 1295            Van de Putte
Relating to providing financial assistance to defense communities;
granting of authority to issue bonds.

Senator Eliot Shapleigh moved to suspend the 24 hour posting rules,
Senate Rules 11.10(a) and 11.18(a), so that the Subcommittee on
Base Realignment and Closure may meet immediately upon adjournment on
April 22,2003 at Senator Shapleigh's desk to again take up and
reconsider Senate Bill 1295.
