HB 15
State Affairs Committee

March 17, 2003 -  2:30P or upon final adjourn./recess
    For:      Adams, Cathie (Texas Eagle Forum)
              Barstow, Jan (Self)
              Bruce, Grace (Self)
              Bruce, Lelton (Self)
              Collett, Laura (Self)
              Flower, Dr. Linda (Texas Physicians Resource Council (a
              division of Free Market Foundation))
              Hannesschlager, Mike (Texas Christian Coalition)
              Hotze, Margaret (The Life Advocates)
              Muralt, David (Citizens for Excellence in Education)
              Murphy, Michelle (Self)
              Mustelier, Miriam (Self)
              Myers, Myra (Self and Silent No More, Operation Outcry)
              Rasberry, Lynn (Self)
              Stevens, Wanda (Self)
              Townsend, Eileen (Self)
              Trotter, Clayton (Self)
              White, Molly (Self)
              Wynn, Cynthia (Self)
    Against:  DeHaan, Melissa (Self and The Lilith Fund)
              Hansen, Vicki (Self)
              Hixon, Jennifer (Self and Voices for Choice)
              Marrero, Elizabeth (Self and National Association of
              Social Workers)
              McLaughlin, Kae (Texas Abortion and Reproductive Rights
              Action League)
              Ramsey, Lesley (Texas Campaign for Women's Health)
              Riddering, Hannah (Self and Texas National Organization
              for Women)
              Rigby, Jim (Self)
              Romberg, Peggy (Women's Health and Family Planning
              Association of Texas)
    On:       Bays, Richard (Texas Department of Health)
              Garcia, Sarah (American Cancer Society)
   Registering, but not testifying:
    For:      Approx. 240 persons (witness forms on file in committee office)
    Against:  Approx. 60 persons (witness forms on file in committee office)    
    On:       1 person (witness form on file in committee office)