WITNESS LIST HJR 4 SENATE COMMITTEE REPORT Intergovernmental Relations Committee May 22, 2003 - 8:30A FOR: Bettencourt, Hon. Paul Harris County Tax Assessor Collector (Self), Houston, TX AGAINST: Sandlin, Bennett Attorney (Texas Municipal League), Austin, TX Registering, but not testifying: For: Allen, George Exec. V.P. (Texas Apartment Assocation), Austin, TX Hammerlein, George Work for County Gov. (Harris County Tax Office), Houston, TX Against: Garcia, Joe (El Paso County), Austin, TX Glover, Sue Govt. Relations Manager (Texas Assn. of Counties), Austin, TX Kastrin, Deborah Consultant (County of El Paso), Austin, TX Lavine, Dick Fiscal Analyst (Center for Public Policy Priorities), Austin, TX Lee, Donald Exec. Dir. (Texas Conference of Urban Counties), Austin, TX Nitschke, Milo Director of Finance (City of San Antonio), San Antonio, TX Wheeless, Skipper Runnels County Commissioner (County Judges and Commissioners Association of Texas), Ballinger, TX