HJR 54


State Affairs Committee

May 19, 2003 -  8:00A
       FOR:       Lawson, John E. (Houston Police Officers' Pension
                         System), Houston, TX

   Registering, but not testifying:
       For:       Aghamalian, Brandon (City of Fort Worth), Fort
                         Worth, TX
                  Andersen, Cris (San Antonio Police Officers'
                         Association), San Antonio, TX
                  Bresnen, Steve (Ft. Worth Professional Fire Fighters
                         Assoc.), Ft. Worth, TX
                  Elkin, W.M. "Bill" (Houston Police Retired Officers
                         Association), Houston, TX
                  Higgins, Mike (Texas State Association of Fire
                         Fighters), Austin, TX
                  Jordan, Sampson K. (City of Austin Police Retirement
                         System), Austin, TX
                  Montero, James E. (Houston Police Officers Pension
                         System), Houston, TX
                  Navarro, Jr., Wilfred (Houston Police Retired Off's
                         Association), Houston, TX
                  Rendon, Feliciano (San Antonio Police Officers
                         Association), San Antonio, TX
       On:        Burney, Frank (Fire & Police Pension Fund, San
                         Antonio), San Antonio, TX
                  Schott, Warren (San Antonio Fire & Police Pension
                         Fund), San Antonio, TX