SB 944


Infrastructure Development and Security Committee

March 31, 2003 - 10:00A
       FOR:       Gerstenschlager, Merry Lynn Volunteer Legislative
                         Liaison (Texas Eagle Forum), Dallas, TX
       AGAINST:   Harrell, Will Attorney (American Civil Liberties
                         Union), Austin, TX
                  Hinojosa, Walter Legislative & Political Director
                         (Texas AFL-CIO), Austin, TX
                  Sanchez, Joe Policy Analyst (Mexican American Legal
                         Defense & Educational Fund), San Antonio, TX
                  Villareal, Armando L. Union Representative (United
                         Farm Workers of America, AFL-CIO), San
                         Antonio, TX
                  Yanez-Correa, Ana Public Policy Director (Texas
                         LULAC), Austin, TX
       ON:        Elder, Frank (Texas Department of Public Safety),
                         Austin, TX
                  Smith, Jay Supervisory Special Agent (U.S.
                         Department of State), Houston, TX
                  Starnes, Robert W. Special Agent (U.S. State
                         Department), Houston, TX

   Providing written testimony:
       Against:   Urrutia, Marcela Policy Analyst (National Council of
                         La Raza), Austin, TX

April 7, 2003 - 10:00A
       ON:        Blewett, Rebecca Texas Department of Public Safety
                         (Texas Department of Public Safety - Driver's
                         License), Austin, TX
                  Elder, Frank (Texas Department of Transportation),
                         Austin, TX