SB 1075


Health & Human Services Committee

April 15, 2003 -  9:00A
       FOR:       Cardenas, Gus President (American Association of
                         Retired People), San Antonio, TX
                  Thomason, David Vice President of Advocacy (Texas
                         Association of HOmes and Services for the
                         Aging), Austin, TX
                  Vasek, Heather Director (Public Policy and
                         Regulatory Affirs, Texas Association for Home
                         Care), Austin, TX

   Registering, but not testifying:
       For:       Cummings, Bill Retired (Texas Siver-Haired
                         Legislature), Lockhart, TX
                  Gadberry, Gavin Attorney (Texas Health Care
                         Association), Amarillo, TX
                  Hayes, Aaryce Program Specialist (Advocacy, Inc.),
                         Austin, TX
                  Higgins, Carlos Retired (Texas Siver-Haired
                         Legislature), Austin, TX
       On:        Stephenson, Scott Assistant Attorney
                         General/Director (Medicaid Fraud Control
                         Unit, Office of the Attorney General),
                         Austin, TX