SB 1444


Education Committee

May 6, 2003 -  8:30A
       FOR:       Benson, William D. (Friends of Will), Austin, TX
                  Caudillo, Roman (Self), Austin, TX
                  Lorenz, Perry (Friends of Will), Austin, TX
                  Moore, Laura (Will Benson Foundation), Austin, TX
                  Myers, David (Will Benson (Deceased) Samuel Myers
                         (Survivor)), Troup, TX
                  Myers, Samuel (Will Benson/Survivor of T.B.I. from
                         football), Austin, TX
                  Rodgers, MD, George (Texas Medical Association,
                         American College of Cardiology, Austin Heart
                         Foundation), Austin, TX
                  Ryser, Judy (Self & Will Benson), Austin, TX
                  Wynne, Wesley (Family), Ranger, TX
                  Zipp, Jodi (Will Benson Foundation & Self), Austin,

   Registering, but not testifying:
       For:       Bloor, Robin (Self & Will Benson), Austin, TX
                  Curlso, Clay (Self), Austin, TX
                  Ferguson, Cameron (Self), Austin, TX
                  Fernandez, Joey (Self), Austin, TX
                  Fernandez, Linda (Self), Austin, TX
                  Griswold, III, Samuel Ames (Self)
                  Hess, Claire (Will Benson Foundation), Frankfort, KY
                  Jeffery, Peter (Self), Austin, TX
                  Lamy, Marielle (Self), Austin, TX
                  Lucas, Phillip (Self), Austin, TX
                  Nelson, Jackson (Self), Austin, TX
                  Noelke, Holly (Self), Austin, TX
                  Roberts, Sarah (Will Benson Foundation), Round Rock,
                  Young, WR (Peck) (Friends of Will), Austin, TX
       On:        Douglass, Cathy (TASB/TASA), Austin, TX