Business & Industry Committee
March 11, 2003-2:00P

HB 1156
    For:      Huff, Curtis (Self)
              Lebowitz, J. Leon (Self)
              Miller, Elizabeth (Self)
              Robertson, Daryl (Texas Business Law Foundation)
    On:       Flores, Carmen (Office of the Secretary of State)
  Registering, but not testifying:
    For:      Hammond, Bill (TX Assoc Business)

HB 1165
    For:      Huff, Curtis (Self)
              Lebowitz, J. Leon (Self)
              Whitlock, Bradley L. (Texas Business Law Foundation)
    On:       Flores, Carmen (Office of the Texas Secretary of State)

HB 1394
    For:      Bartlett, Roger A. (TX. Business Law Foundation)

HB 1637
    For:      Miller, Elizabeth S. (Self)
    On:       Flores, Carmen (Office of the Secretary of State)