WITNESS LIST Economic Development Committee April 30, 2003-8:00A HB 407 For: Shields, Chris (Texas Economic Development Sales Tax Assoc.) On: Moore, Jeff (Office of the Attorney General) HB 2966 For: Cavazos, Eddie (Affiliated Computer Systems) Grossenbacher, William (Affiliated Computer Systems) Against: Bates, Janie (Self) Dietz, Tyane (Self) Dochen, Sandy (Self) Gott, Janet (Self) Grissom, Joene (Self) Jakobs, Steven (Capital IDEA) Lange, Gaylen (Self) On: Kamas, Susan (Self) Rath, Diane (TWC) Registering, but not testifying: Against: Scott, Glenn (Self) SB 280 On: Knox, Shirley (Self) Maxwell, Susan (Texas Council for Developmental Disabilites) Registering, but not testifying: On: Lello, Angela (ACRIL, Inc.)