Pensions & Investments Committee
March 3, 2003-8:00A

HB 258
    For:      Ingersoll, Deborah (El Paso Pension Widows)
              Pickett, Joe (Bill Author)
    Against:  Brown, Gerald (Dallas Police and Fire Pension System)
              Lowe, Jon (Fire and Police Pension Fund, San Antonio)

HB 280
    For:      Ingersoll, Deborah (El Paso Pension Widows)
              Moreno, Paul (Bill Author)
    Against:  Brown, Gerald (Dallas Police and Fire Pension System)
              Lowe, Jon (Fire and Police Pension Fund, San Antonio)
              Owen, Robert (Self and Texas Society of CPAs)
              Sweeten, Randy (Self)
  Registering, but not testifying:
    For:      Cummings, Bill (Self and Retired)
              Wilkison, Charley (Combined Law Enforcement Associations
                   of Texas, CLEAT)
    Against:  Dear, Penny (Texas Society Certified Public Accountants)

HB 601
    For:      Grace, Cary (City of Houston)
              Perales, Erin (Houston Municipal Employees Pension
              Thompson, Senfronia (Bill Author)

HB 1047
    On:       Mattax, David (Office of the Attorney General)
              Smith, Virginia (Pension Review Board)
  Registering, but not testifying:
    On:       Shivers, Shari (Pension Review Board- Chair)

HCR 17
    For:      Berman, Leo (Bill Author)
              Cummings, Bill (Texas Silver Haired Legislature)
              Gustafson, Lindsay (Texas Classroom Teachers
              Lehr, Mike (Texas Retired Teachers Association)
              Raab, Ted (Texas Federation of Teachers)
  Registering, but not testifying:
    For:      Gregg, Brock (Association of Texas Professional
              Kelly, Jack (Texas State Teachers Association)