Subcommittee on Higher Education Committee
May 5, 2003 - 1:30P

HB 1649

  Registering, but not testifying:
       On:        Ambrosino, Rosalie (UTSA), San Antonio, TX
                  Romo, Ricardo (U.T.S.A.)

HB 1650

  Registering, but not testifying:
       On:        Ambrosino, Rosalie (UT San Antonio), San Antonio, TX
                  Romo, Ricardo (U.T.S.A.)

SB 1200
       FOR:       Keeton Strayhorn, Carole (Self)
       ON:        Cole, Jeffrey (Comptroller), Austin, TX

  Registering, but not testifying:
       For:       Hudson, Don (Texas Assn of Community Colleges),
                         Austin, TX
                  Lara, Rene (Texas Federation of Teachers), Austin,
                  Zucker, Dr. Charles (Texas Faculty Association),
                         Austin, TX

SB 1367

  Registering, but not testifying:
       On:        Hamilton, Elizabeth (Student Government
                         Association/Texas Tech Health Sciences Ctr
                         Student Body)
                  Shonrock, Michael D. (Texas Tech University),
                         Lubbock, TX
                  Stumbo, Kelli (Texas Tech University Student Body),
                         Lubbock, TX

SB 1546
       FOR:       Hudson, Don (Texas Assn of Community Colleges),
                         Austin, TX
                  Pim, Robert N. (Westwood College of Aviation
                         Technology), Houston, TX
                  Walker, Gloria (Houston Community College System),
                         Houston, TX

SB 1718
       ON:        Hudson, Don (Texas Assn of Community Colleges),
                         Austin, TX

  Registering, but not testifying:
       On:        Ambrosino, Rosalie (UTSA), San Antonio, TX
                  Cole, Jeffrey (Comptroller), Austin, TX

SB 1747
       FOR:       Zucker, Dr. Charles (Texas Faculty Association),
                         Austin, TX

  Registering, but not testifying:
       For:       Lara, Rene (Texas Federation of Teachers), Austin,