WITNESS LIST Subcommittee on Higher Education Committee June 8, 2004 - 8:00A Funding for Higher Education ON: Dickey, Nancy W. President (Texas A&M Health Science Center), College Station, TX Gardner, David Assistant Commissioner (Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board), Austin, TX Gogue, Jay Chancellor/President (University of Houston) Greene, Dr. Deborah Assistant Commissioner (Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board), Austin, TX Guerrero, III, Tito President (Stephen F. Austin State University), Nacogdoches, TX Jackson, Lee Chancellor (University of North Texas) Pohl, Norval F. President (University of North Texas) Rogers, Jesse W. President (Midwestern State University), Wichita Falls, TX Slade, Priscilla President (Texas Southern University) Stobo, John D. President (UTMB) Stuart, Ann Chancellor (Texas Woman's University) Thomas, Gayla B. Sr. Vice President (Texas Southern University), Houston, TX Whitmore, Dr. Jon President (Texas Tech University), Lubbock, TX Wiggins, Quintin (Sr. VP for Business & Finance), Houston, TX Wildenthal, Kern President (UT Southwestern Medical Center), Dallas, TX Wilson, Dr. M. Roy President (Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center), Lubbock, TX Registering, but not testifying: On: Nelson, Barry C. Finance Adm. (A&M System Health Science Center), Bryan, TX