H.C.R. No. 13 

WHEREAS, Citizens across Central Texas have lost a legendary public servant and a trusted friend with the passing of the Honorable James Jarrell "Jake" Pickle of Austin on June 18, 2005, at the age of 91; and WHEREAS, Throughout his 31-year career in the United States House of Representatives, Congressman Pickle devoted his considerable abilities to advancing the interests of his district and to helping individual constituents in any way that he and his staff possibly could; renowned for his accessibility, his tremendous capacity for hard work, and his determination to use government to assist ordinary people, he became a touchstone for kindness, integrity, and dedication in the realm of public service; and WHEREAS, Born the fourth of five children in the West Texas town of Roscoe on October 11, 1913, James Jarrell Pickle grew up in Big Spring; a youth with an affable nature, he earned his famous nickname while his family was acting out a drama for entertainment; the character that he played, "Jake," was a rascal--and the name stayed with him for the rest of his life; and WHEREAS, Relocating to Austin, he attended The University of Texas, where he served as student body president; after receiving his bachelor's degree in 1938, he joined the National Youth Administration as an area director; he accepted a commission in the U.S. Navy in 1942 and subsequently served as a gunnery officer for 3-1/2 years in the South Pacific; and WHEREAS, Following his return to Austin in 1945, J. J. "Jake" Pickle joined with a group of other veterans to launch the radio station KVET, and four years later he cofounded a public relations firm; in the 1950s, he became a member of the State Democratic Executive Committee, which he first served as organizational secretary and later, from 1957 to 1960, as chairman; during the 1950s and the early 1960s, he managed or actively supported the campaigns of numerous political candidates--among them Lyndon Johnson, Allan Shivers, Price Daniel, Sr., and John Connally; and WHEREAS, Jake Pickle served on the Texas Employment Commission from 1961 to 1963, when he won a special election to fill the seat for the state's 10th Congressional District, left vacant by the resignation of William Homer Thornberry during the 88th Congress; sworn in on Christmas Eve, 1963, he went on to win election to 15 more terms before declining to run again in 1994; at the time of his retirement, he was the third ranking Democrat on the powerful Ways and Means Committee in the House of Representatives; and WHEREAS, Arriving in Washington, D.C., at the beginning of Lyndon Johnson's administration, Jake Pickle gave his support to the president's ambitious domestic program, including legislation to achieve far-reaching social reform; two months into his freshman term, he became one of only six southern representatives to vote in favor of the 1964 Civil Rights Act--a vote that he later described as the most significant of his entire congressional career; and WHEREAS, Among his many accomplishments, he took special pride in his leadership, as chairman of the social security subcommittee, in crafting and passing a bill in 1983 to restore solvency to that program; other areas of policy in which he left an imprint included trade, health care, pension system and tax reform, and alternative energy research; working tirelessly on behalf of his district, he played a key role in transforming Austin into a prominent center for high-technology research and development while also securing significant federal funding for The University of Texas at Austin, Austin-Bergstrom International Airport, and the Balcones National Wildlife Refuge; and WHEREAS, For Congressman Pickle, leaving public office didn't mean leaving public service; back in Austin, he assisted with myriad local projects and helped to raise funds for a number of area charities; whenever possible, he would try to assist former constituents who still sought his aid and counsel, and he continued to revel in working any gathering, joyfully meeting, greeting, and inquiring after the welfare of all persons he encountered; and WHEREAS, In recognition of his sterling service through the years, former Representative Pickle was designated a Distinguished Alumnus of The University of Texas at Austin, where his name graces a chair in the Department of Government, a fellowship fund at the LBJ School of Public Affairs, and a research center; also named in his honor are the federal building in downtown Austin and an elementary school on the city's north side, a runway at Austin-Bergstrom International Airport, and the conference center at M. D. Anderson Research Park in nearby Smithville; and WHEREAS, Jake Pickle married Ella Nora "Sugar" Critz in 1942; she passed away in 1952 and in 1960 he married Beryl Bolton McCarroll, with whom he enjoyed a 45-year union; and WHEREAS, Through his exceptional public service, loyal friendship, and generous spirit, J. J. "Jake" Pickle enriched countless lives, and the legacy and memory of this good and decent man will shine for years to come not only in the Lone Star State but throughout a grateful nation; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the 79th Legislature of the State of Texas, 1st Called Session, 2005, hereby pay special tribute to the well-lived life of the Honorable James Jarrell "Jake" Pickle and extend deepest sympathy to the members of his family: to his wife, Beryl Pickle; to his daughter, Peggy Pickle, and her husband, Donald Cook; to his stepsons, Dick McCarroll and his wife, Missy, and Graham McCarroll and his wife, Marsha; to his brother, Joe Pickle; to his sister, Judith Pickle Lancaster, and her husband, Jonathan; to his grandchildren, Bergan Casey, Todd Mack, and Bennett, Christine, Matthew Jake, and Bradley McCarroll; to his great-grandchildren, Ferrell Mack, Peyton Critz Casey, and Katherine and Maggie McCarroll; and to his other relatives and many friends; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for his family and that when the Texas House of Representatives and Senate adjourn this day, they do so in memory of the Honorable James Jarrell "Jake" Pickle. Naishtat ______________________________ ______________________________ President of the Senate Speaker of the House I certify that H.C.R. No. 13 was unanimously adopted by a rising vote of the House on July 13, 2005. ______________________________ Chief Clerk of the House I certify that H.C.R. No. 13 was unanimously adopted by a rising vote of the Senate on July 18, 2005. ______________________________ Secretary of the Senate APPROVED: __________________ Date __________________ Governor