H.R. No. 16 

WHEREAS, Dr. Tony Evans has distinguished himself as one of the nation's most respected religious leaders, and it is a distinct pleasure to recognize this esteemed gentleman for his myriad contributions to the spiritual well-being of his many admirers; and WHEREAS, Dr. Evans currently serves as senior pastor at Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship Church in Dallas, where he provides leadership and guidance to some 6,000 congregants; he is also the founder and president of The Urban Alternative, a national organization that promotes spiritual growth and renewal in urban America through the teachings of the church; and WHEREAS, This dedicated individual holds a bachelor's degree from Carver Bible College as well as master's and doctoral degrees in theology from Dallas Theological Seminary; moreover, he has been awarded honorary degrees from Eastern College in Pennsylvania, Liberty University in Virginia, and Dallas Baptist University; and WHEREAS, Dr. Evans broadcasts his message daily on his popular radio program, "The Alternative with Dr. Tony Evans," reaching thousands of Americans as well as citizens of more than 40 other countries; he is the author of numerous books and articles, and his meaningful words have inspired countless individuals seeking to rekindle or strengthen their faith; and WHEREAS, Previously affiliated with the Grand Old Gospel Fellowship in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Dr. Evans is a former vice president of the Urban Evangelical Mission and former chaplain for the National Football League's Dallas Cowboys; in addition to his other duties and responsibilities, he currently serves as chaplain for the National Basketball Association's Dallas Mavericks; and WHEREAS, In all his endeavors, Dr. Evans receives support and inspiration from his wife, Lois, and his children and grandchildren; he is a role model for numerous followers and continues to bring hope and happiness to Christians throughout the world; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 79th Texas Legislature, 1st Called Session, hereby commend Dr. Tony Evans for his leadership as pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship Church, for his hard work and dedication as founder and president of The Urban Alternative, and for his exemplary service to his fellow citizens; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for Dr. Evans as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives. Giddings Craddick Geren Menendez Allen of Harris Giddings Merritt Allen of Dallas Gonzales Miller Alonzo Gonzalez Toureilles Moreno of Harris Anchia Goodman Moreno of El Paso Anderson Goolsby Morrison Bailey Griggs Mowery Baxter Grusendorf Naishtat Berman Guillen Nixon Blake Haggerty Noriega Bohac Hamilton Oliveira Bonnen Hamric Olivo Branch Hardcastle Orr Brown of Kaufman Harper-Brown Otto Brown of Brazos Hartnett Paxton Burnam Hegar Pena Callegari Herrero Phillips Campbell Hilderbran Pickett Casteel Hill Pitts Castro Hochberg Puente Chavez Hodge Quintanilla Chisum Homer Raymond Coleman Hope Reyna Cook of Navarro Hopson Riddle Cook of Colorado Howard Ritter Corte Hughes Rodriguez Crabb Hunter Rose Crownover Hupp Seaman Davis of Harris Isett Smith of Tarrant Davis of Dallas Jackson Smith of Harris Dawson Jones of Lubbock Smithee Delisi Jones of Dallas Solis Denny Keel Solomons Deshotel Keffer of Dallas Strama Driver Keffer of Eastland Straus Dukes King of Parker Swinford Dunnam King of Zavala Talton Dutton Kolkhorst Taylor Edwards Krusee Thompson Eiland Kuempel Truitt Eissler Laney Turner Elkins Laubenberg Uresti Escobar Leibowitz Van Arsdale Farabee Luna Veasey Farrar Madden Villarreal Flores Martinez Vo Flynn Martinez Fischer West Frost McCall Wong Gallego McClendon Woolley Gattis McReynolds Zedler ______________________________ Speaker of the House I certify that H.R. No. 16 was adopted by the House on July 7, 2005, by a non-record vote. ______________________________ Chief Clerk of the House