79S10867 JNC-D

By:  Uresti                                                       H.R. No. 298

WHEREAS, The certain knowledge of a life well lived tempers the profound sadness felt by all who loved Roberto Rodriguez Garcia of San Antonio, who passed away on April 4, 2005, at the age of 75; and WHEREAS, A native of the Lone Star State, Bob Garcia was born in Orchard on August 15, 1929; at the age of 17, he enlisted in the United States Army, beginning a distinguished career that would span nearly four decades; and WHEREAS, Over the course of his military service, he served in Japan, Berlin, and Korea and trained soldiers in jungle operations at the School of the Americas in Panama; he attended Officer Candidate School in 1955, retiring in 1967 as a major; and WHEREAS, Major Garcia devoted much of his time and talents to improving the quality of life for Hispanics in the Alamo City; an active member of LULAC Council 602, he served as a commissioner of the Housing Authority of the City of San Antonio, where he played an integral role in bringing affordable housing to the less fortunate; and WHEREAS, In addition to his notable community endeavors, Major Garcia founded two organizations, the Alamo Silver Wings Airborne Association, dedicated to promoting good citizenship and honoring the memory of United States paratroopers, and the all-volunteer Memorial Service Detachment (MSD) at Fort Sam Houston National Cemetery, which ensures that veterans receive proper military burial honors; and WHEREAS, Major Garcia was a member of the Texas State Guard and VFW Post 9186; respected and admired by his peers, he was posthumously awarded the rank of lieutenant colonel and the MSD quarters were dedicated in his honor; and WHEREAS, Throughout a life rich in accomplishments, Bob Garcia exemplified the highest standards of public service and civic engagement; although he will be missed, his spirit will continue to shine on brightly in the hearts of all those fortunate enough to have known him; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 79th Texas Legislature, 1st Called Session, hereby pay tribute to the life of Roberto "Bob" Rodriguez Garcia and extend deepest sympathy to all those who mourn the loss of this beloved gentleman; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for his family and that when the Texas House of Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory of Roberto Rodriguez Garcia.