79S10626 JNC-D

By:  Hilderbran                                                   H.R. No. 305

WHEREAS, Richard A. Turner bravely served this state and nation as a member of the United States Army during the Vietnam War, and his recent receipt of the Bronze Star on July 3, 2005, on the eve of the 4th of July, is a fitting acknowledgement of his remarkable heroism; and WHEREAS, A lifelong resident of Brady, Mr. Turner left the comfort of his home to serve in the Army and became a vital member of Company A, 2nd Battalion, 28th Infantry, 1st Infantry Division, in Vietnam; on February 10, 1967, while participating in an ambush patrol near Bau Bang, this courageous soldier helped to halt a fierce counterattack on his squad; and WHEREAS, Assigned a task normally given a sergeant, Specialist Turner secured an ambush location and helped to pin down the enemy in a surprise attack; placing himself directly in harm's way, he then moved to his squad leader's location under heavy enemy fire, secured a radio and called for artillery support, directed reinforcements to the ambush location, and later assisted the squad in the evacuation of the site; though he was seriously injured in the battle, he demonstrated exceptional valor on that day that will not be forgotten by those who were privileged to serve by his side; and WHEREAS, Americans owe an immeasurable debt to Mr. Turner and to all the members of the U.S. Armed Forces, for they have been called on to bear great, often unimaginable, burdens, and they have served with unsurpassed bravery in defense of this nation and the cause of freedom; and WHEREAS, Through his unfaltering devotion to duty, honor, and serving this country, Mr. Turner embodies the highest ideals of the United States Army, and his efforts and sacrifice in this nation's behalf indeed merit his fellow citizens' deepest respect and gratitude; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 79th Texas Legislature, 1st Called Session, hereby honor Richard A. Turner for his heroic service in Vietnam and congratulate him on his well-deserved receipt of the Bronze Star Medal with "V" Device; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for Mr. Turner as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.