79S11048 MW-D

By:  Otto                                                         H.R. No. 344

WHEREAS, The Lady Cats softball team from Big Sandy High School in Dallardsville completed an outstanding season with its second-place win in the 2005 UIL State Softball Championship held at Red and Charline McCombs Field at The University of Texas at Austin; and WHEREAS, After charging through a 21-14 season, the Lady Cats claimed the silver medal in the state finals, capping an exciting season that cemented the team's reputation for overall excellence; and WHEREAS, Contributing to this total team effort were the following skilled players: Summer Hendrix, Heather Hendrix, Chelsea Barnard, Casey Barrett, Lisa McEntyre, Katie Moseley, Taylor Sutton, Kim Crain, Colby Russo, Susan Wallace, Stacey Langley, Courtney Stafford, Savannah Crutcher, Lindsay Fairbanks, and Cassie Battise; and WHEREAS, Coaches Cindy Graham and Kenneth Graham schooled their young charges in the finer points of the game, while instilling in them the values of hard work, dedication, and good sportsmanship, and statistician Francie Moseley also contributed her time in behalf of the team this year; and WHEREAS, The Lady Cats are a source of tremendous pride to their school, family, and supporters in the community, and the memory of the team's award-winning season will undoubtedly remain with these talented athletes and their fans for years to come; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 79th Texas Legislature, 1st Called Session, hereby congratulate the Lady Cats softball team of Big Sandy High School on winning a silver medal at the 2005 UIL State Softball Championship and extend to the players and coaches best wishes for success in all their future endeavors; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for the team and its coaches as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.